Chapter 5 PK in a Safe Zone - Leafa

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"The game is a foot"
- Sherlock Holmes

March 6th, 2024 - Fifty Sixth Floor: Pani

Hi everyone it's Leafa again. I really need to tell you this story in our adventure in the floating castle called Aincrad.

Well, a couple weeks or so had passed since the whole thing with Silica joining the guild and helping her bring Pina back to life. In that time Kirito and Asuna drew closer together. Not that I'm complaining at all. It's just that I don't want either of them to get hurt if something happens to the other.

Anyway, today we were holding a meeting concerning the details of how we were going to defeat the boss on the current floor we were on. Most of the higher leveled Guilds and solo players would be there, so naturally Klein and his guild were there. The Knights of the Blood Oath the strongest guild on the front lines were there.

The meeting was being held by the new second in command of the KOB. It was the girl from the first floor boss fight Venus.

All of a sudden, Venus slammed her hand down onto the table that they had placed papers and maps on.

"Lure it into the village. That's how we'll get the boss!"

There were several gasps in response to her idea. Even I was surprised by her idea. Was she thinking clearly? There was a pretty big piece that she was missing in her plan that she had just proposed. Sachi eventually spoke up before I could.

"That's not a good idea,"

Venus looked back at Silica, with what I could only assume was a challenging gaze. However, she didn't say anything.

"Venus, if we do that, the boss will go after the villagers..." Kirito spoke up, only to get interrupted.

"Yes, that's the idea. And while the boss is busy killing NPCs, we can attack it and kill it,"

Even Klein didn't look too enthusiastic about her idea.

"Hey, he's right! NPCs aren't just objects! They're different than just rocks or trees! Look, they're..." he spoke, only to get interrupted by her like Kirito was.

"You think that they're alive, like we are, don't you?"

Klein looked surprised by what she said and so was I, while being slightly offended by what she had said.

"In this game, they are nothing more than just objects. And unlike us, if they're killed, they can always just respawn," She continued.

Kirito was still offended by what she had said and was going to say something, when Klein beat me to it once more.

"Look, he doesn't like the idea and honestly, neither do I. So, I don't think I can..."

Venus looked at Klein with hateful eyes.

"I'm running this operation, and you will obey my orders, like them or not. Got it?"

I just stared at her, not saying a word. I didn't like the look of determination that she had in her eyes. Kirito backed up towards the exit of the cave that we had set up the meeting in, before turning around and walking towards the exit. "Come on guys let's go," Kirito said.

"Hey!" she called out to me with irritation. "I asked you a question! So, are we clear?"

He turned hid head to look back at her, a glare forming on his face. "Sorry, but your going have to do this with out the MLB," Kirito said.

Venus started to stutter in anger as we left the cave. When we were out Asuna finally spoke up. "Kirito are you sure you want to do this?" she asked. He looked at her with a very serious look in his eyes.

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