𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼

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A gentle laugh escaped (y/n)'s lips as she quickly slid her phone into her pants pocket and Kageyama raised an eyebrow at her.

"What makes you think I was talking to Wakatoshi??"

They all narrowed their eyes at her in that moment and she closed her eyes while thinking about her dumb mistake.

"So you're using his first name, huh? You still call me Kageyama." He ate a bit more of his rice with the suspicious look still directed at her and she ignored Tsukishima's chuckle beside her.

"Ok so maybe I was. Why? We won against them anyway!" The boys looked at each other as if searching for an answer and then Hinata hit the table while putting his bowl down.

"It's because you're OUR manager which means you belong to us and he can try and take you away from us!" His puffed out cheeks made (y/n)'s heart ache from the cuteness and the other boys agreed as the coaches were too busy getting wasted and Yachi and Kiyoko were having their own discussion.

"Well I can't help it. He's been my idol ever since I even came here and getting to actually meet him and talk to him and go out with him was an amazing-"

"GO OUT WITH HIM?!?" They all repeated her words in shock, causing the previously occupied people to snap back to reality and raise their eyebrows and Suga fainted into Daichi's arms.

"I mean we only went to a cafe together, it wasn't like a DATE date."

"That's literally what you would call a date, dumb ass."

"Tsukishima watch your mouth."

She rolled her eyes, leaning back in her seat and looking around at everyone. Unfortunately for her, they weren't exactly dating. They had only agreed to go on a REAL date after the game was won eight? If Karasuno didn't win, she wondered what his request would've been.

"Ok yes it was Ushijima. We aren't dating. Also Im your manager for a reason, Im not gonna leave you guys!" The seemed to calm down a little after that and Ukai and Takeda chuckled at the drowsy drama between the sleepy team.

"Alright everyone, let's get ready to leave soon. I can't have you guys out for too long while your parents are waiting for you." They all nodded, finishing up their food while starting to clean up along the way and leave less work for the owners.

"Thank you!" They bowed and left the building, seeming to forget the conversation that happened earlier.

"So Ushijima, huh?" (y/n) snapped her head towards the voice and quickly tried to avoid eye contact with the owner.

"You can't hide from me, I'm your coach." She sighed and looked back over at Ukai who was helping the team double check the buses and make sure they had everything before they got off. They had just got off the bus and most of the boys had already started to head back.

"Yeah.... It was really a coincidence though. Also it was wayyyyy before I joined as the manager-." A hearty laugh escaped him and he rubbed her head before folding his arms.

"Your personal relationships are none of my business if it isn't someone on the team that can be distracted. I just wanted to say congratulations and make sure you keep your grades up. Also don't leave us for him."

No promises

"Of course! I wouldn't even dream of it." She walked off then, deciding to walk home before pulling out her phone and texting the one person she rlly wanted to talk to. Actually she should call him...

"Hello, this is Ushijima." She chuckled at the tense response and tried to change her voice up to prank him.

"Hello~ Yes, this is... Naruna from Black Cherry Inc. We wanted to ask if you could model for us, Ushijima-san." She bit her lip to keep from giggling as he stayed silent on the other line for a second.

"Is this a volleyball magazine? In that case I'll consider it, but my schedule is full at the moment." She stopped in her tracks and looked at the phone. Didn't he see the name of who called him when he picked up?

"Ushijima, you don't even have my number saved?" Silence greeted her again on the other line until he cleared his throat.

"I thought we were joking so I tried to play along."


"I apologize."

She shrugged it off, continuing her walk and realizing she had a while until she got home.

"Can I stay on the phone with you until I get home?" He nodded on the other end and even though she couldn't hear his answer, she knew he wouldn't hang up.

"You played really good in the game."

"Thank you. Your team was good too. Except for the tiny tangerine." She snorted and imagined how Hinata would look if he had to wear an orange jersey. Hopefully that didn't happen though. (boy r u in for a surprise)

"Yeah. Honestly, I was surprised. I had faith that we'd win but there was a small doubt in my mind. I hope you didn't go easy on them because of me."

"I never take volleyball lightly."

"If you had to choose between me and volleyball, who would win?"

"Yes." She silently laughed into the phone and almost didn't catch his small chuckle.

"But why? You haven't known me that long. You've known volleyball your whole life." Silence was the answer to her question and she pulled the phone away from her ear, looking at the screen to make sure he didn't hang up.


"Actually, I've known you before I knew volleyball. I knew you before I could even say the word volleyball." Her eyebrows furrowed from the joke and she tried to laugh it off.

"I think I would remember if I knew you before i even knew Iwa-"

"But what if you didn't." She had just reached her house and pushed the gate open slowly, thinking and concentrating. She did remember that at some point in her life, the memories became hazy. She asked her parents about it but they changed the subject every time. She had also always wondered why some pictures were missing from their family photo album, like birthdays or some baby pictures.

"You're serious? You never even said anything..."

"Are you home?"


"I'll talk to you later." Her blood started to boil and she took a deep breath, opening her door slowly.

"Good night, I'm not gonna forget this time. You owe me an explanation."

"Good night, let's see if you forget again."

"You Basta-" The phone hung up and she clenched her fists. No, she wasn't mad at him. She was more mad at herself for forgetting and frustrated that after a long ass day she had to hear this info.

"Tomu! Let's go outside." Her dog was laid in front of the door and she figured a nice walk would be good for her. After all, now there weren't any games until Nationals so they had to get ready to train even harder. They'd even have to play the teams from Tokyo.

Her headphones started to play smooth tunes as she drowned in the music and walked along with Tomu.

I'm sleepy...

I am back I promise i won't go on a month hiatus again 💀😼 Thank good ness for "holidays" because honestly this wouldn't have shown up. Thx for everyone who wanted an update, i am here to deliver. Love you guys, hope school isn't treating you too bad, get some rest. Mwah 💋 Mama out 💃🏽

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