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TaMiyah's POV

Tonight was the night that everything would come to the light. TaMiyah had already packed her and Mario's bags and as soon as Victoria pulled up they would put all her bags inside. She would stay at Victoria's house for the night and then head back to Houston. She already had the locks changed so when Skyler got back she would have to find somewhere else to go because she definitely would not be living with TaMiyah after what was about to occur. After they put the last suitcase in the trunk of Victoria's range rover they headed back into the apartment.

"You ready for this?" Victoria asked TaMiyah seeing her with tears in her eyes. "Yes, I'm ready, i will not let these tears fall, she's not worth it" TaMiyah said wiping her eyes and walking down the hall to Skyler's bedroom.

Victoria and TaMiyah stood on the side of the bed staring at Skyler as she slept. "No matter what, remember, I got you" Victoria whispered, giving her a hug. TaMiyah kissed Skyler's cheek and shook her awake. "What TaMiyah, damn it, I'm tired, whatever it is, it can wait until in the morning" Skyler mumbled. "Wake up baby" Victoria whispered in Skyler ear making her smile and then panic as her eyes shot open. She crawled away from them so fast that she fell off the other some of the bed. "What's the matter Skyler" Vicki asked her evilly. "Scared, confused, lost, shocked?" Victoria said laughing. "I trusted you" TaMiyah said barely above a whisper but loud enough to where Skyler could hear her.

"Let me explain" Skyler said standing up. "Oh please do. Explain how when I met you, you said nothing about a girlfriend or child. Explain how you let me confide in you, tell you deep thoughts, cry on your shoulder when all along you were against me. Explain why you've been living a double life in Atlanta and Houston pretending. Explain why you've been lying to not only me but also to TaMiyah and TaMario.

Explain how you failed to inform me that Nicholas was your cousin, the ex I told you about numerous of times and you never said anything. And please, spare us your lies. Nick already told me that he so called hired you to watch me and keep me away from Danny, but why would you go along with it." Victoria said staring at Skyler with tears in her eyes. She wasn't crying because she was hurt or loved Skyler because she didn't, she cried because she yet again had somebody apart of her life hurting her, breaking her.

"Nick called, he lied, he said Danny was no good, beating on you, hurting you, and he was a drug dealer. I came to save you, but I found out later that he really just wanted me to keep you away from Danny so he could get you back. I never meant to fall for you but I did. I thought I was in love with you. But then, -" she paused for a second and looked up as tears fell down her face. "Then I realized I loved you as a best friend, and regretted sleeping with you and lying to your face and Miyah's face. I just wanted for you to be okay and feel the love that you longed for and deserved. Please believe me, I never ever meant to hurt you at all. I thought I was doing the right thing, that is until Nick told me that he wanted to kill Danny and rob him, that's when I cut him off. Roneshia told me about all the horrible things he did that not even you told me. Then, she told me all the things he did to her, and I was disgusted with him. I changed my number and I haven't talked to him since then.

I need you to tell Danny to watch his back, please, that's the least I can do. I'm sorry for lying to you, and for hurting you, please believe me when I tell you that was never my intentions, I swear. I've shared things with you've I've never told a sole, you're an amazing friend, you deserve love, and Danny is that person to give other to you" she said pleading with Victoria.

"Skyler, I forgive you. When I got here I was pissed as hell, but I can look in your eyes and see through you. I can tell your being honest. Thank you for telling me Nick's plans, I will definitely be contacting Danny's friend and letting him know to keep a very close eye on Danny at all times. Nick will never and could never have me back no matter what. I hate that you actually listened to him and went along with this ignorant ass plan, but I also understand you knew nothing of what happened between us and you assumed he was the good buy trying to save me." Victoria said hugging Skyler.

"I'm still mad at you though, but you do have my forgiveness" she said punching Skyler in the chest.

"I deserved that. I wanted to tell you, I really did but I just didn't know how to without hurting you." Skyler said looking over at TaMiyah.

"Miyah, I know I hurt you. I swore never to hurt you, and I did just that. I -" she began saying but was cut off.

"No, Skyler. I really don't want to hear anything you have to say right now. I get why you did it, but lying to me, living a double life, and hell end of the day you fucked her more than once, that was voluntarily, that wasn't apart of your deal with Nick. I know y'all haven't in a long ass time, she told me everything. Me and TaMario are leaving, I am leaving you. I need my space. When you come back to Houston don't bother coming home, I changed the locks before we left. I love you, but I just don't know if I can do this. We're over" TaMiyah said walking out of the room, Skyler turned to chase her, but Victoria stopped her.

"Stop, give her a while to think. She asked for space, give her that space. Trust me, with time she'll either forgive you or not, either way, she'll never ever be able to forget you. When she's ready, she'll let you know, trust me" Victoria said kissing Skyler cheek and walking out of the door and going to her car where TaMiyah was in the front seat crying and TaMario was strapped in the back seat sound asleep.

(1)  So, what are your thoughts on this chapter, at the last minute I revised other and changed it completely around. VOTE, SHARE, & COMMENT!!

(2) Okay so I got a inbox complaining about Victoria and TaMiyah not fighting or (so called beefing) with one another. See the type of person I am, why fight with the other female when it's only one person's fault. Now if Vicki or Miyah knew about one another then yes, I would've had them fight, but they both were in the dark, only Skyler knew, therefore Skyler the only person who deserved to get cursed out. That is all. And if you don't like it, don't read it! ✌

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