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Two days later …

Vivian sent Mark to go pick up Danny from the hospital since he was being released in an hour. The test that were ran showed that Danny was just fine, he needed assistance with walking and had a few bruises and scars but his brain was fully functioning and he had no memory lost whatsoever. On the way Mark told Danny his news about finding out Shanta was pregnant with twins and making him their godfather.

"Whose crib is this, it's dope" Danny said as Mark walked around to his door and helped him get in his wheelchair. "Ours, mom's thought it would be best of we all stayed together. So she bought this spot, she already fixed your room up, Victoria decorated it for you, it's nice." Mark said wheeling Danny inside the house. "Damn, when she did that?" He asked surprised not to see her when he woke up. "Last week, she left right before you woke up, when mom showed her your room it was still empty she went crazy designing that room for you, shit I'm jealous as fuck, you got everything in that bitch man, no lie. She spent mad money to make sure you'd love it, everyday she was here she slept in that room." Mark told him as Danny got tears in his eyes.

He hated having the family lie and tell Vicki he didn't remember her but he had to, she deserved him at his best and he wasn't quite there yet.

When Danny and Mark made it to the living room he saw Brian, Samara, their kids, Shanta, Melinda, Brandon, Viviane, Jullius, Pete, and a few of the men working for them in the kitchen waiting on his arrival all smiling with balloons, food, and gifts everywhere. "Welcome home" everybody shouted and JuJu clapped his hands running up to Danny and hugging his legs. It hurt but Danny didn't move, he was just happy to be alive.

After the party began to wind down Danny asked to talk to Pete, Mark, and Viviane in private. "Boss man, I appreciate everything that you've done for me and my family, I know we talked about it before, but I'm certain now, I'm done, I'm out. Whatever you gotta do, shoot me, beat my ass, whatever, just do it cause I'm out. I got a son, I can't risk raising him in this lifestyle, I can't go to the mailbox without watching my back, a nigga tried to off me while I was in a coma, I can't leave my mom's, and I need to get my shit together for Victoria. I've been in love with her but I swear hearing her voice while in a coma, feeling her tears on my chest and face, and the warmth of her body next to mines broke me. I know I said lie and tell her I don't remember her.

That's only because when I can walk again and all this shit behind me, I'm going to show her, that our relationship wasn't a mistake" Danny said looking at Pete in his eyes. "Pete bruh, I told you from jump, if Danny out, then I'm out, I don't trust nobody but him, and with a family of my own on the way, I can't imagine dying to these streets and leaving Shanta and the twins alone. I love the streets, but these streets don't love nobody and bullets don't have names, you feel me?" Mark said looking at Pete for a reply.

"I'm proud of you my big babies" Viviane said kissing both Danny and Mark's cheeks.

"I respect both of you. Y'all the best men I got. Y'all the only two I trust with my fucking life man. I always said when I gave up this life that I'd pass the torch to you too, but I think after me, but y'all to smart and educated for this bullshit. I ain't gone do shit, just promise y'all will be great role models for your kids, and good husband's too." Pete said standing up and shaking both their hands. "Bet" both Danny and Mark said in unison.

"Pete, it's time" Viviane said standing up with tears in her eyes leaving the room, closing the door behind her. Both Danny and Mark looked at each other confused.

"Time for what" they both said in unison. "For me to tell you both the truth" Pete said looking down. Pete never showed fear, but for some reason, Danny knew something was up with his demeanor. Something was definitely wrong. "The fuck you mean the truth? You fucking my Momma man?" Danny asked angrily. "No, my brother did, I'm your blood uncle" Pete said looking up, staring Danny dead in his eyes.


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