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Danny's POV (1 month later …)

Danny hired a private investigator to track down Bianca's whereabouts so he could confront her about what DaiQuan told him. He knew that everything he said was the truth but he just needed to hear from Bianca's mouth as to why she would try to have him killed, the father of her child, the man who gave her anything she needed, and then cry at the hospital as if it wasn't her fault.

When Danny found out that she was Mississippi with some friends she had and a new boyfriend he made a trip to visit. His therapy sessions were going great and he now could walk with the assistance of crutches.

Before heading to Mississippi he went and had legal documents made so that he could get full custody of Jullius. After the flight and small car drive he finally pulled up to a house that he had seen before and remembered, "this is my aunt Rose house, but she died years ago, I thought they sold it" Brian said looking in disbelief. "Let's get this over with" Danny said getting out of the passenger seat as Brian got out of the truck as well. They went up to the door and knocked, when they got no answer Danny began beating on the door. "Who the fuck beating on my door like they the got damn police" a man yelled swinging the door open. He held a gun in his hands but Danny and Brian showed no fear, their face emotionless. "Yo, is Bianca here?" Danny asked calmly, he had no issues with whomever was at the door. "Bitch who is you coming to by house asking where my hoe at?" The man yelled. With one quick move without a blink of an eye Danny shot him in his stomach. "So I'll ask just once more. You see I came at you calmly, you asked for that bullet in your stomach play boy. I don't want Bianca, I been there done that and so has half the male population, you can keep her, I just need her sign something for me. You was so busy trying to appear hard you ain't think I was strapped, I ain't new to theses streets, you gotta catch me slipping to get to me. So again, and I'll ask calmly this last time, is Bianca here" Danny said with his gun to the man's face. "Yeah, yeah, just don't kill me bruh. She's upstairs in the third room on the right." He said with tears threatening to fall down his face at any moment.

"Preciate it, my bad for shooting you, but you kind of deserved it. But trust me, get far away from Bianca, she'll trying to set you up, trust me. She's a lying, conniving bitch" Danny said walking past him.

Once he and Brian made their way up the stairs to the room they heard moaning everywhere, that's when they realized they were in some type of hoe house. Danny walked in the room Bianca was supposed to be in, and low and behold he sees her sucking two men's dick, hair all over her head, and clear as day bruises on her arms from shooting up. "We almost done, just give us ten mo minutes with her" one of them said without looking up. Danny cocked his gun and both guys looked up and ran out past Brian.

"Danny, the fuck, you just fucked you my damn money, you owe me $20 since you ran them off." Bianca slurred her words standing up.

"Bianca, sucking dick for $20 seriously, the hell what is that the house special? Look man, I ain't come for your bullshit. I'm here to get you to sign these papers. I'm getting full custody of my son. You will not see him point blank period without supervision, but shit, now that I see you, I'll have my lawyer change these documents I don't want you anywhere near him period. You disgust me. You hoe hoping, dick slurping, $20 hoe, setting people up, and doing drugs. Look at you, you smell fucking horrible, you look a damn mess, and your arms fucked up. I provided your bitch ass with a house, nice house, money, a car, food, why you on the bullshit?" Danny asked yelling. "Cause you chose that bitch over me, you were supposed to love me" she said crying staring into Danny's eyes.

"For one, watch your mouth talking about my damn woman, she ain't no bitch. Look Bianca, I loved you, I really did but you fucked me over. You had me and damn near a fucking football squad getting tested to find out who JuJu daddy was, that shit fucked up and you know it. That messed with me bad. It took me a long ass time to realize all females ain't like you. When I met Victoria it was something about her. I knew she was the one, and she is. She's perfect for me man, she's held me down through whatever and my family loves her, especially Jullius, and that means the world to me. You tried to have me killed, you robbed me, you lied to my face repeatedly, and you put my sons life in danger. We don't have shit to discuss, just sign this" Danny said passing her the papers. "Fine! I'll sign them, I don't want JuJu no damn way, shit, my new man don't even fucking like kids" she said laughing signing the papers.

Right after she signed them Danny turned to walk out without another word. "Fuck" he heard her yell and he turned to see Brian repeatedly punching her. "Chill, she not worth it" Danny said pulling Brian's arm. "That's for Jullius you nasty ass hoe. What the fuck happened to my sister man. I loved you, I don't know who the hell you are anymore. Stay far away from us man, my nephew deserves better than you. You a sorry ass excuse for a momma. Man I swear I'm about two seconds away from killing you. Trust me Bianca, karma is a bitch" he said walking out of the door.

Danny and Brian exchanged no words as they made their way to the car. After sitting in silence Brian finally spoke. "My mom's would be so disappointed in her. Where did I go wrong? I tried to keep her on the right path?" He said with tears in his eyes at the thought of his sister being a hoe, badly addicted to drugs, and so easily giving up her child for a man who had her selling her body. "Don't do that shit, don't blame yourself. You can't help somebody that don't wanna be helped Brian" Danny said patting his back for reassurance.

Three weeks later …

Danny had been in Atlanta for the past three days, he celebrated with Melinda for her graduation party and Jullius birthday party. They officially moved back to Atlanta yesterday and he was excited to get his woman back into his life. He was fighting the urge to go to Victoria's place and confess his love to her but he needed to see Gina and Larry first. He decided to take Jullius with him since he knew how much they both adored JuJu. "Ready to get momma back Ju" Danny said taking Jullius out of his carseat. "Yes!" He responded giggling. "Me too little man, me too" Danny said walking up to the Scott's residence. He rung the doorbell and waited patiently.

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