Chapter 3

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Narrator pov*

They were on the bus for what felt like forever to them, but one specific dragneel kid was sinking of nervousness "you okay" Sylvia puts her hand on Nash's shoulder "y-yeah" he says very quietly. The words that were told to him as a little kid were ringing in his ears over and over again in till he stood up with a bit of anger on his face "I'll be back I need to go to the bathroom" roes and Sylvia just stared at him with concern in both of their eyes.

flashBack (narrated by Nash)

"You son of Natsu dragneel no way you're weak nash" I had felt tears rolling down my face but I tried my best to hold back how much I wanted to punch them in the face. "yeah you couldn't possibly be a Dragneel" I had enough and tried to walk away but I knew if I did them would just fallow to my luck mom had let me take the. key of the southern cross, I pulled out the key and yelled "Gate of the Southern Cross Key! the Southern Cross, Crux.!" I then walked into the clock but I had it when I heard the words "you're more like your mom... Useless". I ran out of the clock said thank you to the crux and bunched the kid "YOU CAN INSULT ME BUT IF YOU INSULT MY FAMILY OR MY GUILD YOU WILL NOT SEE TOMORROW!!". That day I wasn't allowed back to 2nd grade after hitting the kids, but instead of getting yelled at by my parents or master, I was given my guild mark.  " Nash hitting kids is wrong even when they test you, but you did the right".

(author note: hey um I don't think lucy is useless I honestly think she's a great character, but I know not everyone thinks so, but yeah that's all)

end of FlashBack

nash came back from the bathroom and sat back down and looked at the keys when Sylvia said "doesn't your mom get mad when you use her keys" he looked but and replied "Nah this time she said she'll take Half and I get the other half and I also have my sword so ill be fine"roes shook her head in a way that nash knew was a good sign.  A few more hours went by and then they heard "WE ARE AT  Brasov !"......


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