Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Summary: Anne adopted Harry when he was five years old.

He had been beaten and abused.

At the age of sixteen just the scars tell about his history.

When he moves to Doncaster he meets Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn.

A new chapter of his life begins.

Disclaimer: This is fiction, it's not real! I do not own the real people in this story! Nor do I make any profit from this


Louis was in a good mood. The short conversation with the curly-haired boy had put him into a good humour. Zayn and Liam noticed it, too. The permanent smile on his lips and his bright eyes told them that something had happened, something good. They had looked at him curious, but hadn't asked, Liam was busy with learning vocabulary and Zayn was too lazy to ask. But Louis' smile nearly blinded them and Zayn gave in after five minutes permanent grinning.

"What's up with you, princess?"

Louis shrugged and smiled brighter.


Liam looked up from his book.

"Oh Lou! Come on. What happened with you and that boy."

Louis's smile widened.

"I don't really know. But he is nice! Just a bit shy."

Zayn groaned.

"Do you even know his name?"

Louis smile faded.

Shit, he had forgot to ask.


Liam sighed.

"Lou! You are daft! You like him, so why didn't you ask for his name?"

Louis shrugged.

"Don't know! He only said, like two sentences or so. There weren't much information about him!"

Zayn's face lit up suddenly.

"Li? You could ask Niall!"

Liam blushed hard.


Louis grinned.

"Why not? I'm sure that he will not bite you!"

"That's irrelevant!"

Zayn and Louis smiled at each other knowing.

"You should talk to him."

Liam shrugged and changed the subject quickly.

"We should go to the music rooms. The bell will ring in one minute."

Louis nodded.

"Okay. Let's go!"



Niall and Harry had spent most of the break in silence. Harry deep in thoughts and Niall eating an apple.

"What's your next lesson?"

Harry looked at his timetable.


"Good choice! The music rooms are upstairs."

Harry smiled.


The bell rang.

"You are welcome! See you later!"

He turned around and walked down the hallway.

Harry waved.

"See you."

He walked upstairs and looked for the right door.

Unfortunately he found it a bit too late, the lesson had already started and so he mumbled an almost inaudibly apology and went to a free seat. But the teacher was curious and asked:

"You are the new student?"

Harry nodded slightly, he felt very uneasy.

Thirty pairs of eyes looked at him.

"Can you play the piano?"

Harry nodded again.

"Great! You should join the school band. They are still looking for a second singer and a pianist. Talk to Liam if you want to join them."

He pointed to a brown-haired boy, who smiled at him friendly.

Then he clapped in his hands to get the attention of the other students back.

"We will start with singing today. Louis, please give out the lyrics."

The lesson passed without any incidents, Harry even tried to share some looks with Louis, but the blue-eyed boy was too busy with talking to his friends.


Sorry for the waiting! I'm busy with school : (

Hope you still like it.....

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