Chapter 2

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Rollan's POV.

I woke up to Meilin nudging me. "It's your turn to keep watch," she said, her teardrop-shaped silver scales glittered in the moonlight. 

"Thanks," I yawned getting up. 

"Oh, and you clawed this off," Meilin smirked, holding up my Skyfire.

"What! When? What did you hear?" I exclaimed.

"Oh, you clawed it off when you started to dream about your mother," Meilin said, examining her claws casually. 

"And you didn't tell me?" I exclaimed.

"Well, I was going to, but then I was bored so I decided to watch a mini-movie," Meilin snickered.

"I hate you," I said grumpily. 

"Aww, no you don't. You love me," She teased. 

"Just go to sleep," I replied. Making sure that my scales don't give away my actual feelings. I decided to mimick her scales. Dark blue, weird designs swirly designs on wings... Silver star-like scales on the underside of her wings and next to her eyes. She frowned at me after seeing me mimic her and curled up near the middle of the camp, almost invisible because of her dark scales, and tried to fall asleep quickly. I looked around at the others. 

"Psst, Meilin!" I called to her. She raised her head, blinking wearily. I sat down next to her, "Look at Abeke and Coner!" I whispered. She turned her head towards them and smiled. "They look so cute together!" She exclaimed.

Abeke and Conor are curled up together in the middle of the camp. Their tails are wrapped around each other. 

Suddenly, there was a roar from the left side of the camp, kind of far from us. Meilin bolted up as Abeke and Conor quickly sat up, and cocked her head, "Conquerors!" she exclaimed. "I can hear them! They found us!" 

"Catch them!" We heard someone yell. 

"Quickly! Let's go!" I yelled spreading my wings.

"Stop! You're surrounded!" A large heavily armed Leafwing said. 

I froze and looked up, Hivewing and Leafwing soldiers surrounded us, seeming like they appeared out of nowhere. Some hovered in the air, holding darts and their stingers are out.

Abeke swung her tail around at the dragons who were creeping up behind her. Growling, I suddenly launched myself into the air, knocking a Hivewing down. I opened my mouth and my venom splashed onto 2 leafwings. They shrieked in agony, clawing at their scales.

Abeke leaped onto hivewing, knocking him down and stung another soldier with her tail, breathing fire at a third. But another soldier managed to pin her down. 

Conor slammed into him, clawing at his face. He breathed fire at him and slammed his tail onto the soldier. I winced as I heard the sounds of the soldier's bone snapping. Abeke got up ducked a hivewing's tail with its stinger out, a vine grabbed the dragon, strangling him.

I dodged the darts that they're flinging at us and camouflaged. I snuck up on 2 dragons and wrestled them to the ground, spitting venom at them, carefully avoiding their stingers. 

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Meilin and the leader of this group fighting. He clawed at her trying to use his wrist stingers to strike her. She saw his every move. Dodging them skillfully and gracefully. She leaped onto him, breathing blue fire at his face. He flipped over, ducking the fire, and threw her against a tree. A sickening crunch sounded around our camp and her small figure crumpled to the ground. 

"Meilin!" I shouted. I tried to get to her but another soldier leaped onto me. I barely dodged his tail. Conor grabbed his tail, slamming it down with brutal force. The hivewing flew away with a broken tail, whimpering in pain. 

Abeke managed to unarm most of the soldiers and is now clawing at a leafwing who refuses to give up. I saw a tree suddenly shoot up from the ground, capturing some flying dragons in its branches. Abeke shaped them into cages.

I can see the lead Hivewing stalking towards my hybrid friend with an evil grin on his face. Meilin struggled to get up. She suddenly sprang up onto the leader. Knocking him down dodging his strikes. 

Abeke ran up to a group of dragons who have cornered Conor. She flung herself at the largest dragon, her tail slicing into her back. She howled in rang and quickly turned around, but she had already leaped away, so it looked like there was nothing behind her. 

Conor slammed into 2 dragons. They landed under him and froze as Coner stuck his wrist stingers into their necks. Abeke and Conor fought the remaining dragons expertly.

 I felt claws on by back. They flung me onto the ground. I camouflaged and twisted around, spraying with venom. They shrieked with pain but slammed her claws into the ground around them, trying to find me. I then breathed my frost breathe into her face, causing her to freeze and howl with pain and fury.

I saw Meilin fly up into the air. Because it's still dark, she is unable to be seen. The leader of the attack looked around but was suddenly knocked down by a dark dragon, who delivered injuries quickly and then flew back into the sky.

"Retreat!" He shouted and flew away, not waiting for his soldiers to follow him. Dragons started to escape, flying away quickly. 

"Everyone okay!?" I asked. Meilin landed next to me, folding in her large starry wings, with her scales glowing to create light. 

We're all covered in injuries and blood. "Are you okay? I saw him throw you into a tree," I asked worriedly.

"I'm okay, just a few bruises, blood and all," She replied but winced when she moved her left-wing when she shrugged.

"We need medical supplies," Conor said. "Meilin, can you check my leg?" He asked. Meilin is the medical dragon in our group but is also the warrior. 

Meilin walked towards him and examined his leg. "It looks like you sprained it," She concluded.

Abeke found some large leaves and herbs that can act like bandages and keep our injuries from getting infected. Meilin and Abeke each cleaned our injuries and bandaged them.

"That was some fight," I winced, my scales have turned into a pale grey color.

"Agreed," Abeke replied.

"I'm going to the lake," Meilin said, marching away. 

"I'll go too!" Abeke and I said at the same time.

"We'll all go, I'm really thirsty. And we need to wash off all this blood," Conor said.

"Do you need me to clean your wounds?" Abeke asked Meilin. 

"No thanks," Meilin replied, quickly walking away. 

"Are you okay?" I whispered to her. 

Meilin looked at me and nodded

"Why don't we fly there?" Conor asked "It'll be quicker to get there," 

"Okay," Abeke agreed. They spread their wings and leaped into the air. I followed and waited for Meilin. 

She winced as she spread her wings and struggled to keep steady. I noticed that she isn't flying as steadily as before. "Are you sure you're okay?"  

"Ask me again, and just see what happens!" She exclaimed. 

"Okay, okay," I said, but still kept close to her. 

We landed on the bank of the lake, and Meilin dove straight into the water, sinking to the bottom and flashed her glowy scales. Probably talking to herself in the underwater seawing language. 

Conor buried himself in mud and Abeke drank some water and waded into the water, scrubbing the blood off of herself and cleaning her injuries. She didn't go any deeper than past her wrists though. I shook my head and dipped my head into the water, washing the blood off of myself.

"We should get going, they could be coming back with more soldiers," Abeke said. Coner and I nodded in agreement. Holding his breath, Conor went underwater and motioned to Meilin who came up with a sigh. 

We flew off, trying to get as far away as we can.

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