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(A/N: You're not getting your god damn ending yet. Fun story time, the only reason i write this is to satisfy the 4 people's need for more Sig x Readers other than one shots. If I had my way this would be a Klug one. Or Yknow, another one shot page. Actually I just wanna do a one shot page now fucking hell. Also this chapter has Klug, which means idk. Just yeah)


I turn to see both absent kids; Amitie, who had been prepping the other. "Wait- Oh my god you actually tried it." I muttered angrily.

"Yep!" Amitie cheered. "You said Clever or whatever, so I assumed that you meant Klug!" She pushed him forwards. "Cmon, just talk. Talk! Confess!"

Both of us stared at each other, not wanting to talk as that would be rude. Luckily, Klug got the idea and turned back to Amitie. "I think you have the wrong boy..." He told her, pointing at how I looked rather unamused.

"Yeah, I don't like Klug. He's not my type, no offense. I'm just not .. it's hard to explain." I tried to say, pointing awkwardly everywhere.

"Whaaa? Then- aarghh! You're a jerk head, Anata. I convinced our teacher to change classes all for moot! MOOOOT!" Amitie cried, running away.

As I watched her run, I merely went to go to class, only to bump into someone. "Ah- oh, Sig. Pardon, I have class now." I apologized, trying to push past. Despite my efforts, Sig was as hard as a boulder. I can't make him budge.

"Amitie tried to set you up with Klug. That was weird." Sig muttered, tugging at the end of his shirt. Aaand he still won't move. Great. Wonderful.

"Hey, what's up? Is there something on your shirt?" I asked, grabbing it. "I could get it off for you." I offered, wanting him to move aside so that I'd be able to get past for once.

The normally pale and cool, calm boy suddenly turned an abnormal shade of red. Was he...embarrassed? "No- no it's fine, Anata. Please- just-"

"You know you're stuttering a lot more than usual.." I noted dully, letting go of Sig. "Perhaps you're cold? Nervous? Flustered?" I asked, starting to sound reminiscent of Amitie. "You know. You can always just tell me."

"Well- no. Not really. I don't really want to. Uh- bye Anata." Sig finally said in a comprehensive sentence, pushing me away and running somewhere.

Why was he like that? Does he sick? Does me?

My temperature rose as the thought settled in. "Ohhhh~ he likes someone" I smiled, strolling into the classroom. "Wait."

"Did I say someone?!"

Panic replaced Pleased, as I began to worry. "Sig could probably be liking someone else...and not me." I tried to say calmly. "Yeah. Wouldn't be the end of the world...right?"

"You can bet that it is."

I turned my neck to see that Klug IS in my class now. Amitie wasn't kidding. "The heck? Why're you here, and why're you listening to my monologue." I asked rather stupidly.

"Well, you're saying it out loud, first of all." Klug points out, fixing the bridge of his glasses. "Secondly. It's Sig. He's a good hotspot for danger because of that red claw."

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