Chapter Five

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A/n: sorry if this chapter is… Gruesome. And long. I got the idea at like, two in the morning and decided to make it into a chapter. I also don’t want the story to be too long, which explains why it jumps from 2 days into their relationship to 5 months into their relationship. Please vote and comment and give me more ideas. Love you all x


The next day
-Lottie’s point of view-
I stepped out of Harry’s range rover onto the concrete sidewalk in front of the small cinema near my college campus. He laced his long fingers in mine as we walked through the large double doors in front of us. I was wearing a tribal print high-low skirt, sandals, and a black t shirt, while Harry wore a dark blue button up, white converse, and grey jeans. A pair of ray bans were carefully placed atop his bouncy curls. He looked perfect, as usual. We bought our tickets and found our seats in the theatre. We were the only ones there. The movie was about a teenage couple who both had cancer, and the boy ends up dying. Tears welled in my eyes as I held tight onto Harry’s arm. I glanced over at him. He was crying too. I didn’t feel so bad anymore. The theatre was decorated beautifully, with a bunch of little lights on the ceiling in the pattern of a giant sun. Flowers were painted all over the walls. Everything was gold and purple and red. 
After the movie, Harry and I stopped at a small cafe near the cinema, then stopped by the Urban Outfitters where I worked just to say hello. Harry bought himself another beanie and 3 new v necks. I didn’t complain. After stopping by a Starbucks to get frappaccinos, we headed back to my dorm to watch movies and eat popcorn. We cuddled on the couch for a while, which eventually lead to both of us falling asleep, then Baylee and Elizabeth came back. They had the bright idea to photograph us sleeping and post it on Harry’s Instagram and twitter. When we woke up, neither of us bothered to read the responses to it. “They don’t know about us. And if they did, they would just be jealous”, I told myself.

Days like these continued for five months. I went to school. I wrote articles for Seventeen. Harry picked me up and took me to my job at Urban Outfitters. He shopped the whole time during my shifts just so he could hang out with me. Sometimes he wouldn’t be able to stay with me, due to the fact that he had an album to record. We said I love you. We kissed. We fought back to hate. The other boys began hanging out with us. We drank a lot of coffee and tea. We watched a lot of movies and Doctor Who and listened to a lot of music. We went to a lot of shows and took a lot of pictures and played a lot of guitar and video games. We read a lot of books and cuddled for hours and listened to the rain. Things were going perfectly, or so I thought.
One day I decided to surprise Harry and the boys at the studio by going and visiting them. I arrived only to find a girl with fake red hair practically swallowing Harry’s face, her neon pink lipstick getting everywhere. “lottie! Oh my god. I can explain. It’s not what it looks like..” Harry insisted. I just stood there with wide eyes, starring at him and the tramp. I shook my head slowly and ran away in the rain.

-Harry’s Point Of View-
Shit. Now Lottie thought I was cheating on her, when really that girl was some random fan that had flung herself on me. I just lost the girl of my dreams, and even worse, broke her heart with things I’d never even done. I ran after her in the pouring rain, shouting her name. It was no use. She was gone.

After a week of not leaving my hotel room and not speaking to anyone, not even the other boys, I decided that I’d had enough. Enough silence. Enough alone time. Enough alcohol to try and numb myself.

You curse yourself for things you’ve never done.

I threw on an old, ripped up band t shirt, black jeans, and converse. I splashed my face with ice cold water from the sink to try and sober myself up a little. I brushed my teeth and put on cologne to mask the scent of alcohol that lingered on me. I was an absolute mess without Lottie. And then I was off. I had to go see Lottie and make sure she was okay. I had to go ask for her back. 
I drove and I drove for what seemed like hours, when finally the road ran out on me and I was at Lottie’s door. No one answered the door. Lottie’s car was in the parking lot, but Elizabeth’s and Baylee’s were gone. I knocked again, and no one answered, but I heard music. Lottie had to be there. I tried the door and it was unlocked. I let myself in, only to hear the sound of muffled crying coming from the small dorm room’s restroom. I crept slowly over to go see what was going on. Lottie was there in a pair of blue cotton shorts and a big white t shirt, face covered in black eyeliner, her wrists and thighs red with blood. The stench of alcohol was strong, and bottles of booze littered the floor. Lottie’s hair was ratted and untamed. I fell to my knees in front of her, tears welling in my eyes as I starred at the blood covering Lottie’s porcelain skin and the silver blade laying on the bathroom floor. “Harry, why are you here? You need to leave. Now. Please”, Lottie said through sobs.

Where were you when her hour of need had come?

I grabbed a crap ton of toilet paper and began cleaning Lottie up, a tear rolling down my face. “Why did you do this to yourself, love?” I asked, my voice cracking. This was all my fault. I should’ve checked on her sooner. “You were kissing another girl. I can’t believe you would do that to me. Your fans were right. I wasn’t good enough for you, was I?” She sobbed more, hiding her face with her hands. “You’re so perfect. You’re too good for me. That girl was a random fan. She flung herself at me. I swear I’ve never seen her before in my entire life.” Lottie’s sobbing slowed and quieted. “Harry, I- I feel dizzy”, she mumbled. I scooped her up into my arms and carried her to the couch. I got her a glass of cold water and an ice pack. I placed the ice pack on her forehead and played with her hair. “I never want you to hurt yourself again, you hear me? You deserve so much more than that. And I want you to take me back so that I can give you that. I want you to know how much you’re worth. I love you so much, Lottie. I really do”, I whispered, starring into her bloodshot eyes. Her mouth curved up into a smile and she grabbed the sides of my face, pulling me in for a kiss. “Just promise to try and keep the girls off of you, okay? Your lips belong to me”, she said. I laughed and scooped her into my arms again, sitting down on the couch where she had been laying and placing her in my lap. She fell asleep there with me lacing my fingers through her blonde waves. I had her back. That was all I could ask for.

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