Chapter Nine

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Harry's Point Of View

I walked along the beach holding hands with my flawless half-fiance, the waves breaking around our cold feet. "Haz, can i ask you something?", Lottie's little voice cooed. "Of course, love." She took a deep breath before she spoke. "Why do you love me? You could do so much better than me. Im not skinny. Im not even pretty. You've been with super models. How do you go from that to this?" She asked, gesturing towards her body. "I just don't see what you see in me. Im far from special. Far from worthy of you..." She trailed off. I swept her up into my arms and enveloped her in a near bone-crushing embrace. "You're so perfect to me. You have something that all of those other girls didn't. It's something that i've never seen in anyone before i met you. When i'm with you, it just fels magical. You have this kind of beauty that i can't even describe. I just can't word it because i've never seen it before you. You're like a magnet. Everyone around you just gets pulled in by your smile an by how caring you are and how little you focus on yourself. It's incredible. Really. And i dont know if you'll ever believe me, but i want to be able to tell you every day for the rest of our lives. Thats why im so excited and just completely overjoyed that we'll be married in a few years. its so mind blowing to me that someone like you loves a total douche bag like me", i said, staring into her bright eyes. She said nothing. She just pulled me in for a long kiss. I wiped a tear off of her cheek and grabbed her hand again, leading her back over to the fire where alll of our friends were.


"hey babe, what time is it?", Lottie asked, her small hand placed on top of mine. "uh, just a little passed midnight. Why?", i responded after checking my iphone. "Im really tired. I kinda just wanna go home", she yawned mid-sentance. "Cmon, little one", i said, helping her up from the sand. We walked hand in hand, as always, back to the resteraunt where my car was parked. i opened the door for her and bowed slightly, trying to amuse her. She giggled and curtsied lightly, stepping into the passenger seat. After starting the engine and pulling out of our parking spot, i began driving her to her dorm room. We sat in a beautiful silence, simply enjoying the presence of one another. She was good at being quiet. Once we pulled up to Lottie's dorm parking lot, i let her out of the car and swooped her into my arms, carrying her bridal style. She let out a small shriek, then bursted into a fit of laughter. After unlocking and opening the door with her still laying like a ragdoll in my arms, i plopped her down on the couch and pinned her down. She let out a squeal and tried to squirm away. I laughed and kissed her long and hard on her perfect lips. "I love you", she breathed. "I love you more", I retorted and kissed her again. Then I heard footsteps and chuckles. "GET A ROOOOOM!", Elizabeth shouted, sending Baylee into a fit of laughter. Lottie joins her, and eventually the four of us are on the floor gasping for air and holding our stomachs. After we had composed ourselves, we called the four other boys and Eleanor asking them to come join us for a few films and a cuddle session. 


Lottie was asleep in my arms on the floor by the couch as the third rom-com ended. Eleanor and Louis were asleep entertwined, as well as Baylee and Niall, Elizabeth and Liam, and Zayn and Perrie. A large bang on the door caused everyone to wake up and nearly jump out of their skins. BANG. BANG BANG. BANG BANG BANG. Zayn and I jumped to our feet and slowly crept towards the door. 

A/N: cliffhanger. muahahhhahhahahha. k bye. i'll write more later. 

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