3. Bakugo Bakustayed

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ooooooof i feel like shit just went downhill from here

third pov

next day

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day for the UA students. Almost immediately, the chattering started as the students started packing their belongings up.

"Hey, Bakugo! You wanna come with the squad to go shopping?" Kirishima yelled to his explosive friend.

"Hell no, I ain't going with a bunch of extras." he grumbled. Kirishima pouted slightly.

"Come on, bro! It'll be fun! And it can't be the whole squad without the leader! There's a reason why we're the BAKUsquad." he whined

Bakugo felt his eye twitch slightly. Why the fuck were they so annoying? And stubborn? Whatever, he needed a new toothbrush anyway. His last one snapped in half the other day from some aggressive brushing

"If I go, you leave me alone for the rest of the week." he bargained. Kirishima nodded vigorously.

And so off they went.

Coming to a stop in front of the Musutafu mall, Bakugo's attitude almost immediately worsened. He had homework to do and he hated both crowds and people. But something was weird; there were way too many people, especially for a Thursday.

"Woah, why are there so many people?" the pink skinned girl asked.

"Yeah, this isn't even reasonable for a weekend." Kirishima agreed.

Right after he said that, a teenage girl rushed by, squealing, almost knocking over Kaminari over in the process. Bakugo was secretly hoping he'd fall, but to his dismay, Sero caught him in the nick of time.

"Thanks, babe." Kaminari signed in relief, jokingly winking at the tape man as Sero just gave him his signature triangle smile in return.

"Couple goals." Mina whispered.

"But seriously, what's with the rush?", said Kaminari, actually asked a reasonable question for once.

Almost on cue, Mina's phone lit up. She checked it, reading the words on the illuminated screen, her eyes widening with each passing second.

"There's a guy saying that he saw the Angel in the Musutafu mall and now everyone's talking about it!" she reported, voice full of excitement and disbelief.

Immediately, everyone's eyes widened. They were just texting a stranger about him yesterday, and now he's supposedly in the building in front of them? Was this fate or had they just used up their luck for the rest of the year?

But why was this such a big deal, you might ask? Sure, the Angel was known as a gorgeous model, but he was also incredibly off the radar. Hell, he's only accepted two interviews and it was the same interviewer. You were incredibly lucky if you were even able to catch a slight glance of him in public. For him, Angel didn't just mean out of this world. Later, it started meaning untouchable and unbelievably rare (which was basically the same thing, i guess, but oh well 😋 ).

"Well, what are we waiting for? LET'S FIND THIS DUDE." Mina yelled excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Wait, shouldn't we split up or something?" Kirishima asked.

And so they formed "teams",

Team 1: Bakugo (he was being really grouchy and no one likes an improper Baquégo)

Team 2: Sero and Mina

Team 3: Kaminari and Kirishima

and split.

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