7. Who Tops In Olaf x Sven

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Answer Me.


Mina's eyes opened sleepily, blinking sluggishly, before she sat up and stretched her arms upwards. The cracks coming out her her spine were definitely alarming, but they certainly served to wake her up fully. She looked towards the alarm clock sitting on her bed stand. The pink skinned girl stared at it for a hot minute, before the time finally sank into her half dead brain.

"oH SHIT IT'S LIKE 2 PM!" she screeched, throwing the covers off her legs and yeeting her clothes on, before sliding down the stairs like a Boneless Pizza™️.

"Crap, fuck, suck my 12 inch dick, you ball-less piece of shit." the girl cursed when her Eggo went up in flames. Goddammit, did she seriously forget the pan for that fucker?

The clock hanging in the kitchen ticked mockingly at the teen, showing that it was currently 2:30 pm.

"I ✨ hate it here✨." she sighed, before grabbing a Ding Dong, otherwise known as the Mega Bloks of the Twinkie world, and heading out the door. She yelled out a quick "Bye mom, dad!", hoping that the house did not burn down while she was out.

She may not have her Eggo or a Twinkie, but at least the weather was nice. The sun was shining brightly down onto her face, warming her to the core.

Mina quickly jogged down the street to the Hero Cafe, getting occasional waves and greetings from the parents of children that she spent her free time babysitting (while getting that coin).

She was heading towards her destination with no distractions, until she spotted a b u f f guy jogging ahead. Dam🅱️ , what a Chad, she sighed. Unfortunately, she simply did not have the time to chat him up, get his number, and schedule a date.

Why did she not have time? Well, it was Saturday. Her and the squad agreed that they would meet, grab a quicc snacc, and then head to the address to finally meet their new friend.

The thing is, they said they'd meet up at 2 pm, and it was currently 3.

The pinkette finally reached the cafe, walking in. When she first met him, Mina thought that Todoroki's hair was ridiculous. But now? She fucking thanked God for the living beacon. He stuck out like a guy at the pool with a boner while wearing those Speedo Panties.

"It's Britney, bitch." she grinned, walking up to the rest of them.

"Minaaaaaa, why are you so late? We thought you weren't coming!" Kirishima whined. The girl muttered a quick "that's what she said" before apologizing and explain that she woke up late. (She stayed up till 4 am finishing up her "I Want Your Cold Hugs || Elsa x Olaf" fan fiction.)

(not yall wanting that ✋🥶 i'm adding the link in as a comment but it's rushed, short, and horribly edited. you've been warned)

By the time they finished their cakes and coffees, it was only 4 pm. They decided to take a small walk in the park before going to to their destination.

"And when the employee told me to stop snorting the dust off the computer table, I asked for the manager!" Kaminari's was practically glowing while he retold his epicc story.

"I would've punched you in the face and called you Karen-ari." Sero said thoughtfully, Kirishima and Mina cackling behind him. Shinso and Todoroki were lagging slightly behind the group, both looking equally dead inside. Midoriya, still pretty new to the Bakusquad's antics, was completely drawn in by Kaminari's dumbass excuse of a story. Bakugo, on the other hand, had his hands stuffed in his pockets, glaring at everything that moved, especially if it was green.

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