The Place For Doorstops

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"They don't even care," A girl sobbed, breathing every few seconds, coughing afterwards. Tears dripped into her green tea, probably making it taste gross.

"I know," a voice sobbed with her. "Others don't care. They hate me. They don't think I'm good enough."

"This was all about me, and they forgot about me."

Two girls sat on a red sofa, holding mugs of tea that they would never drink. One had light blonde hair with dark purple highlights. The other had caramel hair and small, rectangular, black glasses.

"Worthless?" The blonde one asked.

"Mm." She replied.

"Why have you done all this to me? You've been so nice, so understanding."

"I... I don't know. I needed a friend. And you came."

The blonde one wiped her eyes and looked out the clean window. She waited for them, but they never came for her. She sighed.

"I bet they're partying now. I'm just a nervous wreck who can't do anything."

But the girl with caramel hair couldn't comfort her, because she felt just as worthless.

"Yeah," she breathed. "Yeah."

* * *

Light, Reality, Hope, and Curiosity decided to split up and look for Fantasy.

"Fantasy!" Light called on Hope's street.

"Fantasy!" Reality called on Cautious' street.

"Fantasy!" Hope called on Regret's street.

But Curiosity thought differently, and retraced their steps. She turned, calling for Fantasy. Finally she stopped and thought. Dreadfully, she walked to a little gray house with big windows. Oh, Fantasy, I'm sorry this happened, she thought.

Curiosity knocked on the door and waited.

* * *

"What I don't get the most, though, is why they're even continuing without me. Why they even got me. Why -" the blonde one stopped at a knock on the door.

The one with caramel hair stood up and walked to the door. She opened it. The blonde one followed her.

"Fantasy?" The brown-haired friend said on the other side of the door. "I'm sorry."

The blonde girl was speechless.

They stared at each other for a few seconds. The blonde girl mumbled, "I thought you forgot about me."

They stepped into a hug.

"Okay, Curiosity." The blonde girl, Fantasy, wiped her eyes. "I guess this means the adventure is continuing. But I have a question."


"Can Worthless come too?"

* * *

After Curiosity, Fantasy, and Worthless found Light, Reality, and Hope, they went back to Cautious' house. Worthless stopped feeling so terrible now that she had friends.

Now Cautious was talking to them about how to get to Earth.

"You might be wondering how I know how to get to Earth. Well, I am Cautious. I make sure to do things so that nothing wrong happens."

"Sure. So how exactly do we do this?" Hope asked.

"I was just getting there. There is a portal in the Unknown Forest. That will get you to Earth. To get back here, go to the pine tree next to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It has red pine needles and will only appear when you go to Earth. You can't miss it, even though regular people can't see it."

"Thank you, Cautious." Curiosity said.

"Welcome. Are we done now? I need to put doorstops in the windows."

No one asked why. It would be pointless to. Just pointless.

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