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 After the band finished playing the song, everyone gave huge applause, including the faculty members. It seems like the music club is getting better and better. Even Lia seems to be impressed while Zoey seems to be surprised that someone like Milly could do something like that. Millicent is looking through the crowds and saw Elliot, looking right at her and smiling.

"Thank you, everyone! Now, I would like to say that Daisy, this song was dedicated to you." Jake said tot he microphone, making everyone gasp. If his buffoons- I meant friends were there, they would be shocked.

Daisy was shocked, looking on stage and went on her phone once again. Jake was on top of her list, 78 per cent. Daisy smiled and looked at Sean, who gave off a somewhat sad smile. Daisy remembered going to him sometimes for advice about boys and always loved listening to his music. However, Daisy is willing to give Jake a chance, because Daisy knew that Jake liked her for a while now.

Hailey, however, felt kind of sad. She thought Jake was not actually going to do it and chicken out last minute. Millicent was internally squealing, ever since she found out that Jake likes Daisy, she's been pestering him to confess from time to time now.

"Now, thank you all for coming and remember, we're playing at the band competition so come and support us!" Jake stated once again with a smile on his face. He was also surprised at himself for not chickening out last minute.

The audience gave applause as the band walked off stage. Jake saw Daisy, standing there waiting for him. She had a blush and a smile on her face, like in the dream Jake once had about her. Hailey looked at Jake, seeing the happiness in his eyes and sighed, maybe, this is for the better.

"Hailey, I can see something is bothering you. Is it that douche?" Zander asked his stepsister, who looked back to the band in shock. Everyone had worried looks on their faces, meaning that they are genuinely worried about her.

"Zander! He's not a douche, it's just, hefinallyaskedhiscrushout." Millicent replied, saying the last part faster than lightning, making the rest of the band looked at her weirdly.

"Still, he's a douche if he hurts you, Hailey. You can find someone better than him." Zander replied, glaring at the rest of the band, who seems torn on who to support. One of their club members is finally getting the girl of his dreams for the cost of their club leader's heart.


Let's take the focus off the band and go to our two lovebirds, Jake and Daisy. Daisy was just smiling calmly as Jake tried to stutter his words out.

"D-daisy, y-you heard what I said?" Jake asked, with Daisy nodding in reply. The smile on Daisy's face made Jake's heart melt.

"Of course I did! I'm happy you wrote something about me! I always thought you were amazing but not this cool!" Daisy replied with a smile. She seems ready to go and tackle hug the poor flustered boy.

"I have something to say, Daisy, I liked you for a long time, ever since Key Stage 3. I know you're out of my league but, I-i really like you." Jake stuttered out, ready for rejection. He always thought Daisy doesn't like him that way but, Daisy had a different answer in her mind.

"I'm willing to give you a chance, you're my friend after all and you're really cool too!" Daisy replied with a smile, which made Jake's heart beat faster than the speed of sound.

"Wait, you feel the same way?!" Jake replied in shock, not aware of Zander's glare on him.

"I'm not really sure but I'm willing to give you a chance. I'm sure we can work this out." Daisy replied with a blush and grabbed both of Jake's hands. Jake felt like he was in heaven right now, finally getting the girl of his dreams.

"Thank you, Daisy, so, wanna get ice cream later today? Just the two of us." Jake asked with a small smile making Daisy's stomach feel like it's full of butterflies.

"Of course Jake."

Several days had passed and the other students had returned from their DofE, including the buffoons known as Jake's friends. The normal schedule would resume as usual, same with Head Girl and Head Boy duties. Jake's buffoons were waiting in front of the school to see Jake and Daisy, holding hands, walking towards them.

"Bro, you actually asked her out?!" Liam exclaimed loudly, enough that most people were looking at him weirdly. Besides Sadie of course, she was minding her own business.

"Way to ruin the surprise, Liam," Jake replied, rolling his eyes while Daisy giggled. It was pretty obvious that the two were going out for a bit since Jake was no longer stuttering around Daisy and Daisy seemed to be a bit red in the face.

"Jake, let's go to the music club," Daisy stated out of nowhere, making the rest of the buffoons looked surprised. "I'm not really, comfortable with these kinds of people, especially as head girl."

Jake nodded and walked to the music club with Daisy, while the three buffoons looked bewildered, to say the least.

"What? We're the likeable guys and she's not comfortable with us, what did we ever do!" Henry exclaimed out of nowhere, making Liam and Drew nod.



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