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Jake sighed as he looked at Peter, who decided to smirk at him. Jake didn't know how to feel about the fact that Hailey kissed him on the cheek. Jake stood up, and walked out of the expensive ice cream place and walked back home. He noticed two familiar-looking faces, one with a black-purple hair and a brown hair boy, Zander and Luke.

Luke seemed to be blushing while Zander's face was as red as a tomato. The two, before Jake could greet them, Zander and Luke walked to another direction. Jake continued walking back home, thinking about the kiss Hailey gave to him. Sure Hailey was very high on his list but Jake doesn't know what to feel. He was head over heels for Daisy, as Milly said before during rehearsal.

To say that Jake was confused about his own feelings is like saying that a tomato is red. It is both true. Jake really wanted to say to Daisy about the fact that Hailey was higher than her so he could get it off his chest. It's going to get worse if Daisy discovered it herself and would feel betrayed.

There were some times that Jake would think of the time when Hailey sang some songs during rehearsals. Jake would never admit it but, Hailey was just as good as him. Wait, why was Jake thinking of Hailey all of a sudden. Stupid feelings, stupid Hailey with her stupid beautiful smile and beautiful voice.

Before Jake could reach back to his home, he saw Sean and Daisy walking together, most likely going to hang out because today was Daisy's free day from Dance Rehearsals. The two seemed to be a lot closer than before, Jake wasn't aware of Sean's crush on Daisy and how much the two bonded on that one day. However, Jake was aware of how much Daisy likes Sean, as a good friend.

Jake reached back to his house and saw his mother standing there, looking somewhat disappointed. Jake tried to ignore his mother but his mother was much quicker than him.

"Jake, where have you been?! I know that you went to get ice cream but where is your jacket?!" His mother shouted but Jake could tell that his mother was just worried about him. Peter must've texted his mum about the situation.

"I know you have a music girlfrie-" Before Jake's mother could continue, Jake ignored his mother and walked upstairs to his bedroom. Stupid Drew must've told his mother about Hailey and him joining the music club.

Jake went to his bedroom and sat down on his desk and looked at all the notes he wrote for Daisy, all the poems and all the songs. He may or may not have referenced some of the poems he used to help Luke write his song for Zander that one time. Jake suddenly remembered that Luke was pining for Zander and Zander seemed to reciprocate the feelings but the two were too cowardly to confess them because it might ruin their friendship. Enough of the two gay boys but, when Jake reread the poems, he felt embarrassed, cringing at the poems he wrote for Daisy that will never see the light of day again. Some of the poems were cheesy and lovey-dovey and some were just normal poems that just confessed his feelings. Jake sighed and looked away and look at the notebook, an old notebook that seemed to be worn out for a while.

He grabbed the notebook, opened it, and recognised the handwriting right away, it was his own handwriting, the times he wrote in this notebook back in primary. To say that all of those feelings about Daisy was embarrassing, to say the least. He liked her as long as primary, as Daisy went to the same primary school as him, where Jake discovered his own crush on the girl. Jake noticed a piece of paper from the notebook and grabbed it, it was a letter for him.

Dear Jake,

Hello Jake! It's been a while since I've written to you through letters since emails are becoming more and more popular. Anyway, it's me..(The writing seemed to be smudged) and I really hope we'll be going to the same school during KS3! I know you really like to sing and I love all things music just like you! Don't let those bullies push you down and don't let them stop you from showing your talent. I still have the songs you've written for me and I really love it.

Anyway, I should stop writing too much and I want to say that I got myself a new (The writing is smudged).well, he's the same age as me but we get along fine, despite our arguments. Okay, that's enough writing too much in the letter and I'm running out of space on this stupid paper. Welp, I gotta go send this as soon as possible, I really hope that you never stop singing and writing songs!


(The Writing seemed to be smudged)

Jake noticed that the writing seemed to be smudged, not because of the writer of the letter, it was because of his own tears. Jake remembered the time, when he went home in tears from the bullies who bullied him for liking to sing and his mum had a letter for him, from his pen pal. The letter had beautiful handwriting and Jake cried on it and accidentally smudged some of the writing.

"Oh yeah, we have to write to our pen-pals back in primary, I guess I forgot about her.." Jake thought to himself. He decided to keep the letter in a special place, the place where he kept all of his songs. It might be important later on...

"Hailey, where have you been?" Hailey's father asked when Hailey reached home with a jacket and a tired look. Her father looked at her with a soft smile and then noticed the jacket. "Wait, is that your boyfriend's jacket?" Hailey's father asked again, making Hailey blush.

"No, it's just a friend's jacket..by the way, is mum on the top of your soulmate list?" Hailey asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah, she's at the top of the list, I guess we really were meant to be," Hailey's father thought off and sighed, thinking about the times when Hailey's stepmother was hanging out with him.

"I think this app will help you confess to your crush, don't worry." Hailey's dad continued and Hailey nodded.

Hailey walked up to her room and stared at the mirror. She was wearing her crush's jacket. Hailey couldn't believe that she kissed Jake on the cheek, the most affection she showed to him was a complimented his singing. Hailey sighed but she smiled, happy that she hung out with her good friend, Jake.

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