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The Music Freaks walked up to the stage, seeing a lot of people cheering for them. Hailey thought that Jake was going to get the reward but, he nudged Hailey and whispered something to her.

"You're the president and the leader, it's only fair you get it."

Hailey was surprised since, at the start, Jake was determined to get the trophy but he told Hailey to get it.

Hailey walked to the judges and hoped that no one is going to judge her. All the judges did was smile at her and passed her the trophy, a beautiful silver colour of a hand holding a microphone. All the practising, everything was worth it after all.

"Now, let's hear their encore!" The announcer exclaimed and walked away from the stage.

(Another song, just imagine another duet between Jake and Hailey, with Luke's song from Episode 4)

After the band finished performing, everyone was happy. Daisy was smiling and knew that she made the right choice to convince Jake to join after all. She looked up and saw Sean on the stage and suddenly felt her heart racing. It was sincere, unlike her heart racing for Jake...

Little did Daisy know, there was a girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, looking at Sean with sadness in her eyes, knowing that he will never be hers...


The Music Freaks walked off the stage and the announcer went back to the stage. After thanking everyone, the announcer decided to dismiss the crowd. Daisy came running to the backstage to see Jake.

"Jake! You did an amazing job up there!" Daisy exclaimed giving Jake a hug. Jake hugged her back and eventually, the two let each other grow. There were no feelings involved in the hug, just friendship.

"Now can you tell me where's Sean, I wanna talk to him," Daisy stated after Jake let go of the hug. Jake smirked and stalked off to the rest of the band.

The rest of the band was celebrating about the fact that all the practising was worth it. Everyone did amazing with some mistakes but it's not noticeable. Sean was happy that people liked the beat, Hailey was happy people liked her voice and her skills on the bass. Zander and Luke decided that it is now or never but before they could do that...Jake came to the group and interrupted the two boys.

"Sean, a head girl wanna see you," Jake teased before pushing Sean to Daisy while everyone else just smirked at him. Jake sighed and looked at Luke and Zander.

Zander's face was red from anger that he was interrupted while Luke was trying to stay calm. Hailey just rolled her eyes and whispered to her stepbrother. Zander, tired of all the interruptions decided to just walk to his long time crush and kissed him. To Zander's surprise, Luke kissed him back. The two felt the heat rising to their faces and smiled at each other.


After everything was over and everyone left, the judges stalked towards the winning band. The lead singer and the club president looked at each other as the judges stated that the two would be amazing pop stars in the future. 

The two singers were flustered but thanked them nonetheless and the judges stalked off. Jake sighed and felt his heart racing as he looked at Hailey right in the eyes. Hailey also felt her heart racing but she smiled nonetheless while everyone else was making sure Jake won't chicken out.

"So Hailey, I love you...I'm so sorry about Drew and the rest for so many years, I'm sorry for forgetting about you being my penpal, I'm so sorry and you deserve someone better," Jake stammered out as he grabbed Hailey's hands. Hailey just smiled but didn't reply. Jake didn't know what to do, maybe Hailey doesn't like him after all...

"Jake, I love you too and it's okay now, you left them, you've changed for the better. And to be honest, I also forgot about you being my penpal before I reread my old letters..." Hailey replied with a smile. She grabbed him by both sides of his heads and mashed her mouth onto his.


A/N: HEY, sorry it's been a while. Yes, they're canon now B) and the epilogue will be out soon. So I like to thank you all for reading this thing so far and despite all the plot holes, you guys still like it. I might rewrite this one day though, who knows?

Either way, I'm really happy you guys love this fanfic and everything. There is a continuation...technically. It's my Sean x OC fic which is a companion book which also shows what happened between Daisy and Sean and *SPOILERS.*

Anyway, I hope you guys stick around for my future fics.

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