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 "Jake?! I thought you were with Daisy!" Hailey said, from the cocky voice she is oh so familiar with, it is Jake.

"Well, Daisy had to stay after school today so, why not get some ice cream together, just you and me," Jake replied with a smile, making Hailey's heart feel like butterflies were running in her organs.

"Of course Jake, sorry for...cancelling on you last time," Hailey apologised, making Jake smile slightly. That's the smile that he missed from his club leader.

"It's okay, I understand. Let's go get our ice cream,"

Before Jake could think about his own actions, he touched Hailey's hand and dragged her to the ice cream place he would always go to. It was his favourite place ever since he was young. The workers like him there and would usually give Jake some extra stuff for a lower cost.

Enough of the narrator rambling about bull, Jake and Hailey was still walking down the roads of a small town, still holding each other's hands and soon enough, they reached the ice cream place. It was where Jake wanted to take Daisy out on their first date but hey, it would also be a nice friend date with Hailey.

"Hello Jake, you're here with your girlfriend today?" The cashier asked, making Jake quickly let go of Hailey's hand. Hailey and Jake both felt their faces turning red while the cashier looked confused.

"No Peter, she's just a friend," Jake replied while trying to make his face not go any redder. Hailey just sighed with a smile and nodded in agreement. The two just looked at the menu, see what kinds of ice creams to get.

"I'll have a rocky road." Jake and Hailey said at the same time, making the two look at each other.

The cashier, Peter, was shaking his head, notifying that they ran out of rocky roads. Hailey sighed and decided to point to the chocolate sundae, the same time when Jake pointed to the white chocolate sundae.

"Okay, that'll be £50," Peter said, making Jake pay for both Hailey and himself. Hailey was about to grab her wallet before Jake looked at her, holding a £50 bill, daring her to get the wallet.

Hailey just noticed that she is still wearing Jake's jacket and Jake seemed to be perfectly fine with it. Hailey went to sit down at the couch area and noticed her stepbrother and Luke on the other side, sharing one large ice cream. Zander seemed to be trying his best to not show the blush on his face while Luke just smiled, eating some of the wafers that were added in the ice cream.

"Hey Princess, can't promise you can keep that jacket though." Jake walked to the place where Hailey is sitting, holding both of their sundaes. Usually, it is the waitress' job does do that but it seems like Jake is used to carrying it by himself.

"It's fine Jake and please stop calling me princess," Hailey replied with a smile, digging into her chocolate ice cream. Jake smiled, happy that Hailey is finally smiling comparing to the forced smile she put on during classes today. Jake may be dense in the head but he does notice when a friend of his was feeling down.

Jake ate some of his ice creams, enjoying the white chocolate flavour while Hailey started to talk a bit about her life at home. Her stepfather and Zander treated her well while her mother seems to be busy 24/7 so Hailey couldn't see her.

"Also, I'm surprised you didn't know that Zander was my stepbrother, we were classmates in Key Stage 3 too, you know?" Hailey stated, smirking at Jake. Jake's face went a bit red from embarrassment, because if Jake just asked, then he wouldn't have made the assumption. Jake sighed and nodded because of Hailey's right.

As Jake and Hailey continued to eat their ice creams, Jake thought about the time when he first started writing "Tonight" with Hailey. He knew that it's about Daisy but couldn't help but add some of Hailey's ideas since she is a very creative person after all.


"Jake, we talked about this. You and I are writing the song together. I get it that you like whoever that person is and you have the idea but-" Before Hailey could continue, Jake just stared in a judgemental way at Hailey, making Hailey gulped before noticing Jake's face cracking into a small smile, trying to hold back his laughter.

"It's okay, I like your ideas anyway. I'm glad I joined this club, this is the best thing that happened to me so far since Primary..." Jake continued, zoning off, presumably thinking about something. Hailey decided to get Jake's attention, making Jake look at her. "But that's none of your business!"

"Alright then, we'll write "Tonight" but with some of my lyrics, got it?" Hailey asked again. Jake nodded in reply and the two sat next to each other while discussing their ideas. Jake couldn't help but feel embarrassed when Hailey had a better idea than him, making Jake adding that to the song. That's one of the times when Jake was very happy he joined the music club, he gets to hang out with Hai-


"Jake? Jake! I have to leave soon." Hailey said, making Jake stop eating his ice cream. Jake snapped out of the flashback and saw that Hailey was standing up, with a £50 bill on the table while Jake had his unfinished ice cream.

"It's okay princess, you can give my jacket back tomorrow, I have a feeling it's going to be windy today," Jake replied, remembering that he let Hailey borrow his jacket.

Hailey smiled and quickly kissed Jake on the cheek and ran out of the store. Jake just sat there, speechless while Peter gave a knowing look from the counter. Well, who is Jake going to choose? The girl he liked for a long time or someone who is also special to him.


A/N: ARE YOU, HAPPY JAILEY SHIPPERS?! BECAUSE I SURE AM WHEN I WROTE THIS CHAPTER. I wanted to include the songwriting moment since I always imagined while the two write the song, they're being adorable dorks, arguing over whose idea is better than the other. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I really hope that you guys stick around for more. Sorry for the inconsistent updates.

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