Intermission 2

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 It was a windy day during after school, making many long-haired students getting annoyed at the wind. However, this is a special day for Zander, he's going to ask his crush out to get ice cream with friends of course.

Zander leaned onto a pillar near the front of the school, waiting for Luke to come over. Zander already told Hailey about the plans Zander had made and Hailey was full-on supportive. Sometimes, Zander would go check the soulmate survey app to check if this was reality. That Zander's long time crush, Luke, was his potential soulmate. However, it all stayed the same, Luke was in the lead with 90%, while all the others, including Jake, was below 80%.

Zander sighed, making sure that Luke was going to come on time. There are only a few more minutes left until Zander will leave Luke with a text, to meet him at the ice-cream place. However, before the time ran out, Zander heard a voice, the voice that always had his heart melt.

"Hey Zander, where are we going to today?" Luke said as he walked next to Zander. Zander is trying all he could to not show his embarrassed and surprised face.

"Well, in case you didn't read the text, we're going to get ice-cream," Zander replied, trying to keep his voice as stoic as possible. Zander is sure that Luke knows about the two being soulmates but the two are high school students and high school students, do not talk about things straight.

"Oh, sorry. Well, let's get going then. Lead the way Zander," Luke replied with a smile making Zander feel his heart rushing.

This is like a first date for him, with the guy he liked for such a long time. Zander sighed and walked to the city, with Luke following him, not knowing about the ice cream place. When they reached the ice cream place, Luke's eyes widened slightly.

"Wait, Zander, are you sure we're going to get ice-cream here?" Luke asked, kind of unsure since he didn't bring that much money with him.

"Don't worry Luke, we're going to..share one big bowl that's only £4.90" Zander replied in the most nonchalant way he could. Luke seemed to understand and soon, the two walked into the store.

"Hello there, what would you like? The couple's bowl?" The cashier asked Zander, making him blush slightly.

"No sir, I would like the big bowl with two spoons," Zander replied, making the Cashier looked a bit disappointed for a weird reason. The cashier nodded and gave out the price, which confirmed to Luke that this is a pretty cheap bowl. The sundaes are the shop's speciality and too pricey for the two.

Zander went to sit down on the sofa with the table and Luke sat on the chair. The two just looked at each other in a small silence. Before Luke cleared his throat and decided to ask the question Zander was dreading.

"Zander, what do you think of the soulmate app?"

Zander didn't know how to respond without ending up telling Luke that he likes him. So, Zander decided to use the default answer when it comes to these questions.

"Well, it is one of the most accurate apps of all time, so I think that it is a pretty good app."

"Okay then.." Luke trailed off, seemingly disappointed. Zander sighed and saw the ice cream lady delivering their ice cream. Zander waved his hand, not noticing Jake and Hailey also entered the store.

"Here are the big bowl and two spoons, like you requested sir." The waitress stated and quickly placed the huge bowl of ice cream down and walked back to go behind the counter.

"Zander, I'm glad we're here, we should invite the rest of the group to come here sometimes," Luke stated, giving off an oblivious smile before eating some parts of the ice cream. Zander considered confessing right then and there but, he couldn't. He just couldn't.

Zander blushed slightly and nodded before eating some of the ice creams too. It was nice though, just the two of them in this ice cream shop. The big bowl had some wafers, which Zander knew that Luke loved those on his ice-cream. Luke ate some of the wafers and smiled at Zander, which made his heart melt slightly.

Let's look at Luke's mind now. Luke wanted to ask Zander about the soulmate app making the two potential soulmates but Luke figured it would make things awkward. He wasn't aware of Zander's crush on him but he does see Zander as someone more than just a best friend. Someone who he can rely on when things are going down, someone who will be brutally honest when needed. Luke wanted to tell Zander that he loves him, more than just a friend but...Luke couldn't find a way to word it without being romantic, which is not what he's feeling. Totally.


The two continued to eat the ice cream and soon enough, after Jake and Hailey left, Luke noticed that the two had been there for quite a while. He checked his phone and saw various texts from his parents, asking where he is or if he's with someone they trust.

"Hey Zander, I'm sure mum and dad would love to see you today, you wanna tag along back to my house?"

"Sure Luke, let's go."


A/N: Heyo, sorry it's been a while since I've written a chapter. I only got inspired to write this intermission so I hope you all like it. I'm a huge Lander shipper so it's one of my favourite chapters so far. Yes, this is canon to the story like the rest of the intermissions.

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