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When Jake saw Millicent's glare on him, he knew he was screwed. However, ever since the incident where Zoey took Milly's diary, Milly has been getting into less and fewer fights, thanks to Jake helping her out. Maybe, this confrontation can go in his favour.

"Well, I'm not sure why she's crying, Daisy tried to-" Before Jake could continue, Milly's glare got stronger, as if she's ready to send Jake down to hell herself.

"Well then, you got the girl you like but, at the cost of our club president's heart. Jake, how can you be so dense!?" Milly shouted again, loud enough for Hailey and Zander to hear.

Before Jake could respond, Hailey quickly ran out of the music club, eyes a bit red and puffy and calmed Milly down. Zander continued to glare at Jake, knowing that whatever Jake did, Jake was the reason why Hailey was crying her eyes out earlier. Hailey may seem serious and sometimes goofy but she tends to hide some of her feelings to herself.

"Milly, it's okay. It's not his fault, we talked about this," The club president tried to calm the small girl down. The small girl sigh, knowing that it is better that she did not kill their lead singer, at least not yet. Jake seemed to be a bit confused about what was going on. He saw Milly, glaring angrily along with Zander while Hailey looked concerned for both of them.

"Thanks, Hailey..for saving me from her," Jake stated out of nowhere, making Hailey look up to him. Hailey smiled slightly and gave a small nod, as a "you're welcome."

"You won't be so lucky next time though," Zander muttered under his breath, Jake could not hear the threat, fortunately. Zander just walked off to the tutor form room, making Hailey bolting away to catch up with Zander.

"Jake, I'm happy for you, I really am but, Hailey's like a sister to me and if you make her cry again, you won't be lucky next time," Milly said, making Jake turn around to look at the small girl. Jake knows that he should not mess with Milly since the last time he tried to manhandle her, she gave him a black eye. Jake nodded and ran off before Milly could get angry again, he knows now that he severely messed up with the music club.

Daisy gave a sigh of relief because it is the end of her head girl duties for the day. She wonders what Hailey said about her and her friend, Jake, is true. Maybe Daisy is leading Jake on but, Daisy knew that it can't be true. However, there is a ping in the notification of the soulmate survey app. Sean had risen up to 72 per cent, making Daisy's eyes widen.

Daisy did manage to get some free time during lunch and went to watch Jake and the others perform. Sometimes, Daisy swore that she saw Sean blushing as he looked at her while playing his composition. It was a very nice composition and Millicent's guitar riff was awesome. Daisy gave huge applause when the band was finished, smiling.

Little did Daisy know, the song that Jake and Hailey wrote together was meant for both Daisy and Hailey. Hailey was not and still is not aware of the song being dedicated for both of Jake's crushes. It is a nice song though.

Hailey noticed Daisy giving huge applause, with her bright happy eyes showing that she genuinely loved the piece and wasn't there for just Jake. Hailey sighed, maybe she should apologise for what she said to Daisy. Daisy didn't do anything wrong at all. However, Hailey still wished that if Daisy was gone, maybe, she and Jake can finally talk about their 98% compatibility. For the next few days, Daisy turned up to practices and gave very good critiques on how the band could improve.


This goes on for a few weeks until the wind came.

The weather did start getting a little bit on the windy side these days. Making girls with long hair to style their hair a bit more. However, the weather was also on the chilly side and one unfortunate day, Hailey forgot that she was not wearing her usual sweater to school today.

Hailey sighed, knowing that Luke and Zander had already gone somewhere else and she needed to walk home in this chilly weather alone. Hailey was shivering a bit, she doesn't really like the cold and could get cold even on hot weathers so that's why she always wore her sweater. Today, was the day she decided to try something else, a cute overalls outfit with a t-shirt underneath. Hailey was about to give up and call her parents until she felt something on her shoulders, making her feel immensely warmer. Before she could look back, she heard a familiar voice.

"Princess, I have a feeling you need this."


A/N: I AM BACK. The WiFi went out and I got nothing to do so I wrote the next chapter. Cliffhanger but you guys all know who the guy is ;3. Anyway, if you have any questions about the fic, comment down and I'll reply to them.

Also, I noticed you guys seem to think that Jake and Daisy are together. They're not, fortunately since they're in between friends and dating. That's all.

Sorry but Jake didn't die :(. 

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