The Girl and the Moon 29/4/2020

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And when he did,

She saw him so thin and fragile,

And he saw that she was so beautifully lit.

"If you were made of gold, you are certainly more precious; if you were made to joy you certainly are happiness, and if you are here to make me shine my brightest, then my love you shine, and only then I'm delighted."

She reached out to touch the moon,

but he was far away too small and too thin.

She reached forward and kissed the moon, and the moon was so consumed by that kiss that he didn't notice that he took that girl by his embrace.

He held her close, and then they became one.

United with his lover he fought for love...

Embracing us with his light even in the middle of the darkness.

Their love broke the silence.

The wind played a waltz every time they would kiss,

And that's how everything has been beautifully captured in an unapologetic way that surprised everyone.

They all knew that the moon was never forgotten.

They all knew that only love survives everything.

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