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Hyuck shifted in his place, his back against the wall once he turned to face the younger beside him. He stayed silent for a few seconds before finally speaking out.

"M-me and M-mark b-br-broke up" He stated, struggling to keep his breaths even while talking.

"Wait what? What did he say?" Jaemin asked, confused by how they had gone from talking again to breaking up in the matter of an evening.

"Th-that's the P-problem. He w-wouldn't s-say w-what was wr-rong. He s-said he trusted M-me but then w-wouldn't tell M-me why he had b-b-been acting w-weird" Hyuck explained, holding back the tears that were forming in the corners of his eyes.

"So you broke up with him? Maybe he was scared or something?" Jaemin suggested.

"I D-didn't. He s-said he d-didn't w-w-want to h-hurt me. H-he's emb-barresed by me, so I s-said he d-didn't have to w-worry and then I L-left" Hyuck explained, a few sniffles escaping towards the end. "I-I can't b-be with someone who w-won't talk to M-me or is emb-barrassed B-by me" he finished, the tears now tumbling down his cheeks.

Jaemin was quick to pull the older boy into a hug, rubbing his back gently in hopes to calm him. After a minute or so, Jaemin sat back, despite Hyuck still crying.

"So he never actually broke up with you, you were the one to break up with him?" Jaemin questioned as a statement.

"I G-guess. I D-didn't w-want to, I still L-love him, Jae, he m-makes me h-happy and c-comf-fortable" Hyuck cried, trying his best to explain everything to his best friend.

Jaemin proceeded to nod before pulling Hyuck back in. It wasn't long before the sniffles and sobs were replaced by small snores. Jaemin carefully laid the older boy down, pulling the blanket over him carefully.

Once Hyuck had shifted in his sleep, getting comfortable under the covers, Jaemin pulled his phone out and opened up his Instagram.

After finding him in Hyuck's followers, Jaemin sent a message to Mark.

Online 🔹

Hey, so I'm currently at
Hyuck's house where he
just cried himself to sleep
Care to explain?
Sent 10:21

Oh shit
Is he okay?
Sent 10:25

No, thanks to you
What the hell happened
at your place?
Sent 10:26

I can explain
Sent 10:27

Yeah you better had
Sent 10:27

We did the project
Then he asked to talk
He asked why I had been
acting off for the past week
When I couldn't tell him
he freaked out
I tried to explain it to him
but he wouldn't listen
I didn't want to hurt him
I promise you that
That was the main thing
I was trying to avoid but I
clearly failed
Sent 10:30

Yeah, clearly
Can you perhaps explain
it to me instead?
Sent 10:31

Can you meet me at the
West Side Cafe tomorrow?
About 1 pm?
Sent 10:33

Sent 10:34

Look after Hyuck for me
Sent 10:36

After plugging his phone in on the nightstand, Jaemin got comfortable under the covers, preparing himself for what was to come the following day.


As he expected, Jaemin woke up the next day to find Hyuck staring at the wall blankly, his eyes red and swollen from where he had been crying before the younger woke up.

"Hyuck, you coming down for breakfast?" Jaemin asked after having gotten washed and dressed and noticing the boy still hadn't moved from his bed. When Hyuck pulled the blanket higher over his face he took the hint.

Jaemin spent the morning trying to convince the boy out of his bed but nothing seemed to be working. When it got to twelve and they hadn't made any progress Jaemin decided to let him be for the rest of the day and come back to check on him tomorrow.

After telling Hyuck's parents that their son wasn't in a good place at the moment he made his way out of the house, walking downtown towards where he was meeting up with Mark.

After walking for half an hour, Jaemin finally arrived at the cafe, taking a seat in the far corner. He was only waiting for a few minutes before the older boy arrived.

"Hey" Mark sighed as he took a seat opposite Jaemin.

"Hello" Jaemin greeted straightfaced.

"I'm sorry okay, let me explain" Mark pleaded, finding Jaemin rather intimidating at the moment.

"Be my guest" Jaemin prompted, gesturing the older to continue.

"I didn't want to hurt him, instead that's exactly what I ended up doing. I didn't know how to tell him the truth" Mark started, looking down at the table as he spoke, too scared to look up at Jaemin who watched him intensely.

"Can you explain it to me?" Jaemin asked.

"I, I don't know. Promise you won't tell him?" Mark asked, scared that Jaemin would tell Hyuck what has been making him a coward.

"That depends if it's legit" Jaemin shrugged, hating keeping things from his friends unless they were completely necessary.

"Jaemin seriously, he can't know. Not yet anyway" Mark begged, knowing that it would make Hyuck's mental state ten times worse.

"Again, if I agree with that then I won't tell him, but if I don't then you're going to have to or come up with a different excuse" Jaemin emphasised, hoping that Mark's excuse was good enough to have put his best friend in his current state.

Eventually, Mark explained everything to Jaemin, answering any questions the younger had. In the end, Jaemin --after some persuasion-- agreed not to tell Hyuck. He agreed that this was something that Mark himself had to explain. But right now he knew was definitely not a good time, if anything it would make the situation ten times worse, and he couldn't bear to see his best friend in that position again.

By the time the two left the cafe, Jaemin agreed to help Mark. As much as he was an idiot for not just talking to Donghyuck in the first place, it had been a long time since he had seen his friend as happy as he was when he was with Mark.


What do you think Mark told Jaemin??

I'm curious what you guys think is going to happen 👀

As always, I love you all and thank you so much for reading💕💕


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