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So, the two boys spent the last three days of the school week at home. Mark let Hyuck try to catch up on sleep on Wednesday before heading over after lunch on the Thursday.

He made his way up the stairs to where Hyuck sat in his room, hunched over his desk, headphones plugged in as he worked at the last assignment his teachers had sent him.

Mark quietly walked into the room. He sneaked up behind the younger, going completely unnoticed. He stood behind the younger for a minute or so, watching as he answered the last science questions.

As soon as Hyuck finished the last sentence, Mark wrapped his arms over his shoulders, resting his chin on Hyuck's shoulder. Instead of flinching away like Mark had expected him to, Hyuck just rest his head against Mark's.

"Hey" Hyuck smiled, taking out his headphones.

"Didn't I surprise you?" Mark pouted.

"I h-heard you talking t-to my mum" Hyuck smiled as he turned to face the older who crouched down in front of him.

"You look better today. Did you get some sleep?" Mark asked.

"Mmhmm. Not m-much but I've d-do-done all my school w-work to take my m-mind off things" Hyuck exclaimed with a small half-hearted smile.

"I see. What do you say we watch a movie?" Mark said, standing up.

"You w-w-want me to take a n-n-nap don't you?" Hyuck asked, raising an eyebrow. Mark stood awkwardly for a second before Hyuck spoke up again. "Me too. W-with you here it's easier" he smiled, standing up and dragging Mark to the bed.

The older proceeded to put on a movie as the two snuggled up on the bed. It wasn't long before Hyuck had passed out in Mark's arms, head resting against his chest.


A few hours passed before Hyuck slowly woke up, snuggling closer to the older, savouring the warmth. Mark smiled before wrapping his arms tighter around the boy, pulling him close.

Moments like this, they cherished together. Moments of calm. Softness. Moments without a care in the world. The feeling of being close to each other becoming almost intoxicating. Overpowering every other thought and sense. Just them. Nothing else.

Moments like this didn't typically last long. But it was long enough to act as a memory of that time when it was only them in the world. To act as reconnection.

A moment to get away from the world and focus on them. The moments they fell harder and hard for each other. The moments they realised those feelings.

The moments they fell in love.

They spent a few more minutes in bed before Hyuck's mum called the pair of them downstairs for dinner.

The two boys walked down, taking a seat at the table and digging into the food that was already layed out. After eating in silence for a while Hyuck's mum spoke up.

"Mark, are you planning on staying the night?" she asked.

"Is th-that okay, Mum?" Hyuck asked.

"If he wants to. As long as his parents know then I don't see why not" she smiled.

After that, it went back to silence. Other than offering desert, not a single word was spoken until the empty dishes were taken to the kitchen.

"Mom, if y-you want to t-talk about s-s-something just ask" Hyuck stated. His mum instantly froze where she was stood over the sink.

They hadn't spoken since the meeting at school the previous day. The car ride was silent and Hyuck excused himself to his room after grabbing a quite bite to eat. The tension had become unbearable as they sat through dinner.

"Fine. Hyuckie, I love you. It just hurts that something like this had to happen for us to have official proof that you were being bullied. Of course, we figured it out but you could have told us. We could have helped you" his mum stressed.

"H-how mum? If you kn-new there w-was something, you w-would have s-s-said something or d-done something" Hyuck said, trying not to let his emotions take over.

Hyuck watched as his mum stood speechless. She knew he was right and she was trying to find something to say.

"But you didn't have to lie to us. Karate class my ass. If you were going to lie you could have made it believable. And even though you did lie to us, it helped show us how good Mark is for you. After the first day you met Mark you came home less damaged, we thought he had convinced you to stop karate. But then there was that week you were so sad and you seemed to be getting hurt more. After you introduced him to us as your boyfriend we were able to piece things together. We love you Hyuck. We understood why you lied but it still breaks out hearts" His dad said.

It was his words that broke the younger, his tears spilling down his cheeks.

"I'm s-s-sorry" he cried, running over to his mom who was also crying at this point.

Mark sat at the table quietly with a small smile as he watched the three of them hug it out.

A few minutes later Hyuck was dragging Mark up the stairs to go to bed.

For the rest of the week and the weekend, Mark stayed over. His and Hyuck's parents even agreed to let him stay over Sunday night, knowing full well that Hyuck could become a panicky mess and get little to no sleep.


So the next chapter is possibly the last... Maybe

I hope you have enjoyed this story so far

I was thinking the other day, I like the concept of the omegaverse but I never read it because there is always mpreg which I don't like. Then I realised, I write. So... If I were to possibly write an omegaverse Fanfiction without mpreg would any of you read it??

Just wondering

Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know it was a bit short and not much happened but it's gotten to the point where I'm just tying loose ends so yeah... Thanks for reading💕💕


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