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The next morning Hyuck woke with a throbbing headache. He groggily made his way down the stairs, through the lounge and into the kitchen.

"Donghyuck, are you okay? you don't look so good" His father asked as Hyuck started walking towards the freezer, pulling out an ice pack and placing on the back of his head.

"I'm fine dad." He sighed as he proceeded to make himself some cereal with one hand.

"Are you sure sweetheart, you seem to be getting knocked about a bit at karate class. Are you sure you want to continue? You always seem so sad when you do it. You seemed so much happier spending your time with Mark than at that stupid club" His mother responded, taking over with the cereal and pouring the milk in the bowl.

"I'm fine Mom, I P-promise. I'm G-going to Chenle's for the n-night" Hyuck smiled, taking the cereal from the side and taking a seat at the table.

"Okay, honey. When are you leaving?" his mom asked him, leaning on the kitchen counter while taking a sip of her tea.

"Well, I'm g-going to Jaemin's in ab-bout half an hour and then w-we are going to Chenle's l-later" Hyuck explained between mouthfuls of cereal.

"Okay have fun, and be careful" his mum smiled, placing a kiss on his forehead as she walked past to sit in the lounge with her husband.

After finishing his breakfast, Hyuck had a shower, wincing when the water hit the scar that was now forming on his scalp. He continued to get ready, avoiding the cut, putting on a hat to make sure his parents, nor anyone else would notice it. Once he was done he packed a few things into his bag and made his way to Jaemin's.

When he arrived, Jaemin was quick to pull him into his car.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Hyuck asked, putting his seatbelt on while Jaemin started the car.

"Because, the roads are empty, I'm genuinely worried about you and the hospital should be quite quiet at the moment" He explained as he started to drive.

"Aww, my B-best friend cares ab-bout me. P-probably a little t-too m-much since Renjun thinks you have a-a crush on m-me" Hyuck side-eyed, noticing the way that Jaemin's face dropped.

"W-when did he say that?" Jaemin asked, struggling to focus on the road in front of him.

"O-on the way to the m-mall yesterday. And D-don't stutter. That's m-my job" Hyuck smiled, watching the way Jaemin rolled his eyes at his words.

"That's fine then" Jaemin sighed in relief.

"W-wait,, What?" Hyuck asked a few seconds after Jaemin spoke.

"Yeah, the three of us were messaging last night and I think it might have clicked. Here, read the messages" Jaemin smiled, handing Hyuck the phone from his pocket.

"Wow, Jae that was a b-bold move" Hyuck stated, wide-eyed as he read the messages.

"Yeah, after I said that they both suddenly had to leave. Wait, do you think maybe it was a step too far?" Jaemin suddenly started panicking.

"At the m-moment no. N-neither of them dropped out of t-tonight but I guess we w-will find out L-later" Hyuck nodded, putting the phone in the cupholder.

"I guess. Anyways, let's get you checked out and then we can head to Chenle's" Jaemin smiled.


A few hours later, after seeing a doctor and collecting Hyuck's pain medication, he and Jaemin finally arrived at Chenle's house to find the others had all already arrived.

As soon as they walked through the door, Hyuck noticed both Jeno and Renjun blushing slightly and shifting in their seats before smiling up at Jaemin.

They ordered some pizza and played a few video games for a while before they all started to get a bit bored.

"What shall we do then?" Chenle asked, turning off the TV and game console before taking back his seat beside Jisung.

"Well, this is only our second time hanging out. Why don't we play a game of spin the bottle? Instead of kissing or whatever, we can ask questions to help us get to know each other better" Renjun suggested, getting everyone's approval.

Everyone was having fun, finding out interesting facts about each other, such as the fact that both Renjun and Chenle are from China or that Hyuck was born in Jeju.

Things were all going well until a certain question was asked.

"Hyuck, When and how did you develop your stutter?" Jisung asked casually, not knowing how much it would hit the older.

The wording of the question is what hit him more than the question itself. The way it sounded exactly like Mark had when he asked.

Hyuck felt his breathing fasten as the room began to spin. He quickly excused himself before anyone could see the tears that had pooled over the edge of his eyelid.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean, I didn't know. I didn't mean to hurt him" Jisung spoke softly, afraid that he had done something wrong.

"It's okay, it just a bit of a sensitive topic, especially at the moment. He'll be okay, I'll go talk to him. Don't worry about it alright" Jaemin smiled, ruffling Jisung's hair as he walked past.

"Hyuck, you alright?" Jaemin asked as he approached the older who sat on the stairs.

"Y-yeah. I'm s-sorry" He sniffles as he wiped away a few tears.

"It's alright. You're not normally quite this sensitive about your stutter. Is it because of Lucas or the fact that it's more than one person?" Jaemin asked, not fully understanding why Hyuck was quite so hurt by the question.

Hyuck explained the first time Mark asked him the question and how it was worded almost exactly the same way. He then added that it had a little bit to do with Lucas since it sort of did.

After calming down Jaemin bought Hyuck back into the lounge. Jisung was quick to apologize and Hyuck did the same, saying the younger's apology was unnecessary. He then proceeded to tell the story he had told so many times. When he was finished he received condolences from each of the three boys who were new to the story.

The rest of the evening was calm. After that question, they all agreed that it was time to watch a movie and think about sleeping since it was three in the morning anyway.

The next day they all hung out for the morning before heading home around midday. Once again Jaemin drove Hyuck home, not liking the way he had become so quiet after the game.

For the rest of the day Hyuck stayed in his room, his mind had Mark on loop. Despite how angry he was at the boy and how scared he now was to talk to him, he felt guilty for not hearing out his whole excuse.


I know I'm late but I hope you enjoyed the chapter none the less🙈

It was a bit of a mess and definitely not my favourite chapter but what can you do🤷🏽‍♀️

Thank you so much for reading💕💕


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