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Mark sat on his bed, phone in hand. Staring at the blank screen, contemplating his next move. He had to be the one to make the first move since he knew Hyuck had no intentions of doing it. And rightly so in Mark's mind.

Hyuck hadn't done anything wrong. It was Mark who couldn't just say what he needed to. The relationship was already tense and Mark managed to push it to its limit and over. Now it was time to fix that.

He switched on his phone and went straight to his messages, finding Hyuck's name now a few people down, Jaemin's name taking his place at the top of the list.

I get it if you don't
respond but I really need
to talk to you
Sent 6:45

As a ping sounded, Hyuck rolled over on his bed, discarding the book he was reading. He picked up his phone from on the bedside table, sitting up against the headboard as he turned it on.

The name alone made him freeze. He looked away for a moment, catching his breath before opening up the conversation.

Um, sure
What's up?
Is it the presentation?
Sent 7:06

The presentation went
really well thanks to your
wording of everything
I'm sorry
Sent 7:09

What for?
Sent 7:10

Can I call you?
I miss your voice
And it's much easier
than typing out what
I need to say
Sent 7:12

I guess
Sent 7:17

Hyuck's breathing got unsteady the second the phone started to ring in his hand. He bit his bottom lip as he pressed the answer button, already feeling the tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey, sunshine" Mark's voice called sadly through the phone.

"H-hi" Hyuck said back, trying his best to not choke up or break down.

"I need to explain myself, but I need you to promise to listen to me," Mark said softly. If he wasn't so cared right now, Hyuck would be so happy just to hear the older boy's voice.

"I P-promise" Hyuck answered quietly, struggling even more now than before, remembering how he didn't even hear Mark out the last time and now he was asking for that simple promise.

"I understand why you got upset. I really do. I was being distant. Truth is, I was scared. I wanted to tell you but I was scared of that too. Since we were stuck in that Dream or whatever together, I have loved you, with every part of me. Not once have I felt embarrassed to be by your side. I'm just a coward. I need you to understand that. Do you understand that Hyuck?" Mark asked, having not heard anything from over the phone while he was talking.

When he listened for a response, all he could hear was shaky breaths and held back choked sobs.

"Hyuck? Are you okay?" Mark asked, worried creeping in as he heard the younger.

"Y-yeah. I'm f-f-fine. I u-underst-tand" Hyuck cried, trying his best to make it sound natural but the sniffles that followed weren't doing anything to fool Mark.

"Do you mind if I come over? I don't like hearing you cry, especially when I can't help you. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable though. Please let me help you." Mark asked carefully. That when the call cut out. He wasn't sure if it was something he said or something else. It made his heart drop. He sat on his bed and the seconds that passed felt like years.

That's when there was a ping on his phone.

Please come over
Sent 7:43

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