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At lunch the following day, Mark felt more comfortable being seen talking to the boys in between classes, though he still played football at lunch since he knew he had to prepare for football season.

When Friday came, Mark insisted that Hyuck went straight home after school and got ready to be picked up at eight.

So, doing as Mark had instructed. As soon as they were let out of school, Hyuck dragged Jaemin straight to his house.

"Jae w-what do I do? H-he's going to be here soon" Hyuck panicked, throwing clothes from his closet onto the floor.

"Hyuck, just calm down. You've literally got four hours" Jaemin laughed from on the bed, his eyes glued to the phone in his hands.

"Y-you don't understand. This is our f-first date since our fight" Hyuck explained, still digging through the clothes in his closet.

"Just calm down," Jaemin said. Hyuck frowned as he walked up to his best friend, flopping down on the bed beside him.

"W-what you doin'?" Hyuck asked, looking over the younger's shoulder to see what he was so fascinated by.

"Nothing" Jaemin almost shouted, tucking his phone into his pocket. "I was just texting Jeno and Renjun. They said you should just dress tidy casual since it is more of a rekindling date" Jaemin smiled, quickly diving into the pile of clothes and pulling out some black jeans, a white shirt and a dark blue jumper.

"Look's good" Hyuck smiled, grabbing the clothes and putting them on.

The two decided to chill while waiting for Mark arrive. However, Hyuck was so panicked by the fact they were going out again that the hours felt like minutes.

It was the same every time they went for a date. The word alone made him feel pressured and anxious and the loud noises of restaurants made him distracted and he felt uncomfortable the whole night. So when the doorbell rang, Hyuck could already feel the sweat pooling.

"Are you going to answer the door or not?" Jaemin asked, looking up from his phone. When Hyuck didn't even look like he was considering moving, Jaemin stood up and dragged the younger to the door himself.

"Hi, Mark. Take good care of him. He needs to be home by eleven or I need a message to let me know he's staying at your place. Hyuck, Jeno and Renjun say have fun and don't overthink things too much" Jaemin said, pushing Hyuck through the door before closing it behind him without either boy being able to speak a word.

"You ready?" Mark asked while starting the car.

"Yeah" Hyuck answered weakly.

"I think you'll like it tonight" Mark stated, though Hyuck wasn't paying much attention.


Mark told Hyuck to put on a blindfold when he pulled into an empty parking lot which just made Hyuck even more anxious. Mark could tell by the way that the younger gripped onto his hand so tightly, the palm slightly sweaty. He thought it was kind of cute.

Hyuck could tell they'd walked inside when the feeling of the wind blowing against his skin suddenly stopped. That and the small ting that indicated they had walked through a door.

Hyuck could feel his heart pounding and his mouth go dry. But when Mark's hand let go of his own did he really feel scared. Everything around him felt still and cold. His arms swung around frantically trying to find the older boy.

"M-mark. C-can I t-take it off N-now? P-p-p-please" Hyuck almost cried. He reached up to pull it off from over his eyes, but his hands fumbled franticly at the fabric, struggling to find the knot that held it in place.

The silence didn't help with the fear, his mouth going dry as he tried to pull the blindfold off. The hand that grabbed his own startling him.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm still here. Sorry I had to fix something quickly. Let me help" Mark's voice soothed him.

The second the blindfold was off, Hyuck didn't spend even a second taking in his surroundings before spinning around and hiding his face in Mark's chest.

Mark laughed slightly until he heard the younger sniffle.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Look" Mark smiled, pointing behind the younger.

Hyuck wiped away the tears before slowly turning around. As soon as he saw what was behind him, he felt his heart go from fast-paced, to still.

His breath caught in his throat as he took in the view.

This is probably the shortest chapter I have ever written but I hope you enjoy it. Just means I can write a few more chapters.

I've been really distracted lately so please forgive me

I love you all soooo much

Thank you for reading💕💕


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