Not Quite Enough

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     On the third day of their stay, they were given the day off. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were suspicious that Donix and Merida gave them the day off on purpose so they wouldn't be working as much, but they decided not to argue with them. 

     So, on the third day, they all slept in a little longer than usual and the older couple fixed a nice breakfast for them all.

     Though Satine had made her way out of bed the night before because she couldn't stand sitting still any longer, everyone was fretting over her at breakfast when she wished to eat with them all at the table.

     She ignored their stares as she ate her food silently, and she was quite content to sit there stubbornly despite their protests that she should rest in bed more.

    It was bad enough that Obi-Wan knew she had woken up from a few nightmares in the middle of the night and had hardly been able to sleep. She was thankful he hadn't mentioned that to the others though, or that he hadn't said anything when she had curled up against his side for the rest of the night as though to reassure herself that he wasn't going anywhere. Instead, he just kept looking at her with concern every time she cleared her throat or paused to take a sip of her drink.

     Qui-Gon did keep a conversation going though about some routes used to go around or through close settlements, so fortunately, Donix and Merida didn't spend the whole meal looking at Satine like she was about to fall over at any second.

     They were finished eating soon enough, but then they heard a noise outside that sounded as if a large piece of equipment had sputtered to a halt.

     Donix shared a confused look with Qui-Gon, and the two of them got up from their seats and agreed to go out and see what was the matter.

     However, not long after they went out, Donix poked his head back in the door and asked for Merida.

     Apparently, a neighbor's machine had partially broke down, but it was going to need some parts from the market very soon or else it's condition would dramatically worsen. Some of the local men could work on it for the time being, but Merida could go out with the neighbor to find the needed parts fairly quickly.

     Satine and Obi-Wan watched her gather her things and run out, all the while telling them to take it easy and that they would have the house to themselves until lunchtime or later.

     Then, she was gone, and the two of them felt the silence settle around them like an uncomfortable blanket.

     Obi-Wan cleaned off the table, taking the plates and dishes back into the kitchen as she gazed out the window in thought.

     "Do you want to talk about them?" he asked after some time, glancing at her as he finished wiping the table off.

     "Talk about what?" she questioned, turned her gaze to him.

     "The nightmares."

     She swallowed, then shook her head.

     Sighing, he sat back down beside her. "You know, I don't mean to offend you, but you look half dead right now. I can tell you're very tired."

     She stared ahead and avoided his eyes. "I'm not going back to sleep now. I won't be able to sleep through the night tonight if I do."

      "Well, you should at least lie back down for now. I know you don't want to sit still, but your body isn't going to thank you for pushing your limits right now. You can always come back out here to eat lunch if you feel like it later."

      She was quiet for a minute or so, but then she turned to look at him.

     There were dark places under her eyes, and they were glassy.

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