Chapter Three

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"Hey Jace! Get ready! Hodge said we need to do our rounds!" Isabelle screams through my door.

"Hold on! Give me a minute!" I call, and get up from my bed. I was comfortably enjoying the piece an quiet.

I stride over to my closet, and take out my gear. Usually I wear a leather jacket, black t-shirt, black chained jeans, combat boots, and a weaponry belt.

I have done this so many times, I don't even have to look to know what I pull out. I stuck my witchlight, 3 seraph blades, a Sensor, and my knife in my belt and pockets. I knew Alec would be similar to me, and Izzy with her electrum whip.

I run a hand through my hair. I remember when Izzy got her whip. She was a little girl, and Alec and I were only a little older. I was adopted, and when I was a baby they found me and raised me. I'm not like them, though.

My parents were killed when I was a baby. They were in the Circle, both of them. I guess it isn't the best type of parents, but I couldn't judge them. I have no memory of them.

When my father was killed in a raid, my mother gave birth to me, then committed suicide. Maryse and Robert Lightwood took me in after that, and I grew up with them, Alec, Izzy, and Max. I didn't call them Mom and Dad, though, simply because they weren't.

My name is technically Herondale, but I took on the last name of Lightwood. My Mom named me Jace since I hadn't gotten a name yet.

You wouldn't ever believe I was related to the rest of my adopted family. I had blonde hair, and they had black. I was tan, they're kinda pale. I was thin, but I was strong and fast. They were too, but all of them had obvious muscles. Not that it made them any less attractive.

But our personalities were different. Some how I learned how to be sarcastic, arrogant, and carefree. I liked music and the little things in life, but only certain things.

They were serious, yet nice to be around. They had this weird aura that was hard to explain. Max was different than everyone. He was quiet, and liked to read comics and manga. He liked Naruto and Dragon Ball Z Kai. He had glasses and is small and bony. But everyone loves him because he's really nice.

I take out my stele, and do the tunes for our rounds. These are basic ones. Speed, strength, mental excellence, and invisibility. If I need others, I'll use them then.

I pull on my hoodie, and step into the hall. I grew up on the institute, so I know my way around. I don't even need Church to guide me.

I walk down the hall, occasionally pressing by thumb into the point of my knife. This was a habit of mine.

I arrive at the library, where Hodge instructs us where to go on our rounds.

I opened the door, and the smell of old paper, tea, and fire filled the room. The fire place was almost always lit.

The room was different today. My adoptive mother, Maryse, is supposed to have a meeting with the Clave in 2 days. They like to come to this Institute to have meetings with us, but not anyone else.

There was reason behind this. Since my adoptive parents and Hodge were both in Valentine's Circle, the Clave likes to check up on them, to make sure they're not conspiring with Valentine or teaching their children to.

In the library, they held meetings about Valentine. He has been spotted near the city, and this set off everyone in Idris, from what I've heard. He was supposedly dead, but I guess not. Nearly, but not quite!

Since we are also one of the 3 Institutes that provide safety for Shadowhunters, they have to make sure we do rounds to check if there are any injured Shadowhunters in the city. They make sure we can provide for any, and can train them. This was almost protocol.

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