Terror-ship or relationship?

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Location: Sharma house

Blood !!..... blood splashed everywhere on the walls, on the floor and ceiling of her room. She looked at her hands covered in blood and screamed. Wanting to get out of the place she ran into darkness without looking back. After a while she reached a watersmeet. One of the paths lead her to a tunnel which seemed to have a light at the end of it and the other path led her deeper into a forest. Gauri contemplated for a while then deciding , she walked towards the tunnel. The path seemed to be never ending and the light appeared to be nothing but a mirage . She almost took a u turn when she saw someone move on the other end of the tunnel. Relieved, she called for help. The man who had his back to her , continued to move forward. Gauri increased her pace to reach him but the distance between them only seemed to be increasing . Fatigued and breathless she reached out to him and managed to grab his hand. The man stopped and turned to face her. Gauri looked at his face which was covered in darkness. "Please get me out of here!!" she pleaded taking his hand. The man opened his blood shot eyes and smirked at her. SHE IS MINE he said coldly making Gauri scream in terror.

"Gauri!! Gauri utho beta... please wake up my dear , its just a bad dream", said gauri's mother Suman worriedly.

Gauri opened her eyes to look at her surroundings. Only when she found herself in the safe confines of her house and had looked into the eyes of her mother did she calmed down her thudding heart.

"I'm sorry maa, did I wake you up", she apologized.

"No dear, I wasn't completely asleep when I heard your screams and rushed to your room. You were doing so well past two weeks that I was shocked to hear you scream again. What happened dear is it the same dream??" She queried .

Gauri could only nod her head at that statement. Two months!! Its been two months after that fateful night which turned her life upside down. Two months since she saw his blood shot eyes ... two months after his declaration of love for her. Gauri shuddered again remembering the coldness in his voice. "She is mine" he had said. Heaving a sigh, she turned to her worried mother. "I am alright maa you go to sleep now. I was a bit tired today and slept early". She smiled, reminiscing the events of the day. It was the annual function of her college and she had been prepping up her students for their performance. They did extremely well today making her proud. After their performance, she along with her students went for a samosa party when she felt his presence. Omkara singh oberoi ...the name strangely gave her a sense of security in contrast to his cold voice which send chills down her spine. Where did he vanish for the past two months ? she wondered . Did he see that she doesn't love him and decided to leave her alone? Or is he waiting for her to come to him on her own. Well, if that is the case, he would be waiting forever . Gauri was still in deep thoughts when she was disturbed by her mother.

"I am sorry Gauri, if not for me you wouldn't be stuck here in this village . Neither would have Omkara seen you in your college nor would he have fallen in love with you as he claimed" ...said Suman remorsefully "But beta..." she continued ... "he never showed up after the incident . what he did that day was in the heat of the moment. He is not a monster dear. The Oberoi family is a well-respected family in our village. They build many schools, colleges and orphanages not only in our village but also in the neighboring villages as well. I agree that they break the law at times but all in good faith".

"Maa!! what are you saying and why are we discussing Oberois now?? Are you seriously considering marrying me off to him?? Bloody hell! he just came, declared his love for me and shot a person dead in front of me. Who is he to take law into his hands?? And you want me to marry him??".

"I am not saying that you need to marry him Gauri ...don't put your words into my mouth" ...she quipped smiling. When she saw Gauri glaring at her she explained ... "i am just saying that you need to get that image of him out of your head only then would you get over your nightmares. Do not forget that if not for him, we would have been disgraced by the whole village with what that moron did to you. As cold as he was to that pest, I can't ignore the fact that he was so warm and caring towards you ".

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