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Location: Oberoi mansion

The mansion was decorated like a newly wed bride welcoming the new heir of its master . Velvet drapes framed the windows, fairy lights in the foyer and flowers decorated every nook and corner of the house. But nothing was more beautiful than the laughter that radiated from the insides of the mansion.

Leaning on the window of his room, he smiled looking at the moon. He closed his eyes to bask in the serenity remembering her smile, her hazel eyes and petal like lips. Ahh!! how he missed her these days, it has been a week since he last saw her. His private moment was disturbed by a booming voice from the door.

"Omkara .....!!! what are you doing here you are supposed to look after the gifts, greet the relatives a good-bye and then look after Anika.." scolded Jhanvi.

Omkara smiled at his mom and walked towards her holding her shoulders, he lazily said "Mom relax! Rudy is looking after it I just came to have a moment of respite. It has been a tiring day for all of us. You should take a break as well".

"Ahh!!! tell me about it", smiled Jhanvi looking at her son. I cannot believe you brothers grew up so fast. "I still remember Shivaay running behind his naughty friend Anika trying to pull her pony-tail and now they are all grown up, ready to welcome their first born. Pinky and Shakti are just so happy", she said with a wistful look on her face. "When are you going to give me that pleasure my dear??" Looking at the peaceful smile on her son's otherwise serious face she couldn't help but ask "So, what is the reason for the smile on your face... I hope it is about my future daughter in law", she teased.

Omkara answered with a chuckle, "Soon mom soon but for that she needs to know me first isn't it? I think I need to give you people some time to recover yourselves from the tiring ceremonies of baby shower of Anika then probably the first birthday of the little champ and then might I think about my marriage" he quipped.

Jhanvi looked at her son exasperated "Om!!! That's too late...I can't wait forever. You need to make things move faster beta. Kal ka kya pata ...what if I die early".

"MOM!!" Shouted Omkara, the smile on his face now replaced by a frown. "Acha khasa mood kharab kiya aapne... what is the need to talk about death today".

"Sorry Om I was just joking , I am sorry that I spoiled your mood" with a forlorn look on her face she continued "I miss your dad Om ...I wish to be with him sooner but before that I want you and Rudra settled in life with wives to look after you and your children to put you on your toes", she laughed. "Tej loved Anika, he would have been so happy today and being the competitive parent he is, he would have forced you to give him a grand-child immediately lest he would be left behind in the race with Shakti".

Omkara looked at the smile on his mom's face when she talked about his father Tej singh oberoi. He could help but feel guilty. His one wrong decision had costed him his father's life. He would do everything and anything to bring him back but sadly life doesn't give second chances.

Looking at the guilty look on Omkara's face and teary eyes Jhanvi cursed herself for her non-filter mouth. She just couldn't help not talk about her husband whenever she is happy. Today being Anika's baby shower function, she is too happy for her nephew Shivaay, who was her personal favorite among the three brothers and couldn't help but blabber and boast about it to every guest attending the function. Now after the day's tiring events when the guests were leaving had she got time to look back and think how happy her husband would have been seeing Omkara and Rudy looking over the celebrations as the responsible brothers especially he would be very proud of Omkara, the man he has become given the circumstances. In spite of the darkness that surrounded the Oberoi empire, he never let the darkness cloud his heart.

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