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On the night before the wedding:

Gauri woke up to a noise coming from the window of her bedroom. She got up from the bed, squinting her eyes to adjust to the light coming from the window, her mind still foggy and disturbed from slumber. She looked out and her sleepiness vanished. From what it looked like, Rudra Singh Oberoi was barking orders to a group of ten men and within minutes those men spread out around the house as if to keep guard while Rudra took out his phone probably to call someone.

What was he doing here? Did Omkara ask him to keep guard? But why now? Was he expecting something to happen tonight or was he trying to prevent something from happening tonight. How will she get her answers? She thought.

Gauri's head was clouded. Her lack of sleep since the day she decided to marry Arjun had rendered her incapable of forming any sane explanation of this scenario. She decided that she will directly ask Rudra instead of breaking her head over some mystery. She was anyways going to marry his brother. If Omkara is involved in this, she will very well ask him to drop any silly ideas and waste energy. She was about to walk out when she felt a very subtle movement outside the door of her bedroom followed by the sound of the lock clicking open and opening of the door. To her utter surprise, she saw Rudra crawling on the floor, stealthily moving towards her bed with something looking like a handkerchief in his hand.

Rudra stood up to his feet ready to put the piece of cloth on his prey, when he discovered that the bed was empty.

"Looking for me Rudy bhaiyya?" asked Gauri to which he jumped and turned around with a shocked look to find an equally shocked Gauri standing by the window and gaping at him.

Rudra quickly recovering from his shock asked accusingly "Why aren't you asleep bhabhi?"

Gauri gaped at her brother in law and finally laughed out loud. Within seconds, Rudra was by her side asking her to tone down her voice ready to close her mouth with the medicated piece of cloth if necessary.

"Rudy bhaiyya, please put the cloth away, you will not need it. Were you here to kidnap me?" She asked after her laughter settled, to which Rudra pouted and nodded in a yes.

Awww how cute he looked Gauri mused.

Then deciding to end the drama, she clarified smiling "That's okay Rudy bhaiyya I will come with you willingly. You don't need to kidnap me. I am not marrying Arjun because I realized that I cannot continue to fool myself. I know that Omkara loves me and I am willing to accept him for what he is."

Rudra sighed relieved he thought he messed up again. He had been guilty over the fact that he was the one who sent her to that place that day and it led to Gauri breaking up the Omkara. He had never seen his brother so broken in a very-long time since his father's death. He realized that whether he liked it or not Gauri needed to be his Bhabhi. His brother needs her to be alive. Hence he took it upon himself to kidnap her today and gifting her to his brother so that he will be relieved of his guilt.

Rudra Singh Oberoi never liked people who were weak and vulnerable. When he saw the way Gauri reacted on their first encounter screaming her lungs out and crying for a guy who molested her, he thought she was not a match to his brother. He openly put forward his opinion before his brothers and his bhabhi. While Shivaay had tried to make him understand that Anika inspite of growing with them couldn't tolerate violence before her eyes then it would definitely be difficult for Gauri, Omkara only said that his opinion would not matter. Angry on his brother and not convinced by Shivaay, he that day knowingly sent Gauri to the place where she would witness a murder again and give his brother a piece of her mind. What he was not prepared for was his brother walking into his room looking lifeless that night and crying his heart out holding on to him. Rudy would do anything for his brothers and if his brother wanted Gauri, he would give her to him. Now when he heard that Gauri was ready to accept his brother in spite of knowing that she will witness many horrifying incidents henceforth in her life showed her courage and will to do something for his brother and Rudy is beginning to like her.

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