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Omkara's happiness knew no bounds and a huge grin broke on his face. It was strange that Gauri never felt as complete before as now, when she saw how happy he was with her decision.

The two love birds then began to know each other the right way. They talked about their childhood and their families. Omkara told her about his passion to paint , create art, his love for his family,his brothers and Anika's due date while Gauri told him her passion to dance, her future projects, her habit of spending time with children , her students and her love for her adoptive mother. They ordered coffee and pastry and were about to taste it when they were interrupted by the noise at the café entrance. Omkara got to his feet immediately when he recognized what the fuss was about. Gauri saw that Dandi and another man were covering a lady stopping her from entering the café before making certain that the surroundings were safe. She saw Omkara walk to the woman who visibly calmed down after seeing him and looked in her direction. She noticed that the lady was beautiful, heavily pregnant and with a huge smile on her face started to walk towards her table.

Anika was so happy when she came to know that Omkara finally decided to meet Gauri and talk things out. She couldn't stop herself from coming over to greet her to-be sister in law and seeing that Shivaay was not at home, she manipulated Khanna and Dandi in bringing her to the place. She couldn't wait to talk to her and tell her to hurry up and come to their house as a bahu so that they can have their girls time soon.

Seeing that the lady was rushing towards her, Gauri worriedly got up from her chair and with a hesitant smile greeted her half-way to their table. In less than a minute she was engulfed in a tight hug by the lady and she felt warmth course through her veins. She jumped away when she felt a not so subtle moment on her stomach. Anika laughed and explained that it's the baby's kick greeting her.

After Omkara made the introductions, they settled down again and Anika started her usual blabber.

"Aww Gauri, you are so beautiful than I saw you last time. I just couldn't stop myself not to talk to you when I heard that Omkara took you on your first date" she explained with a jubilant smile. If Gauri caught on the word 'date', she did not comment on it. "Blame my pregnancy hormones for it but I became too impulsive these days. You can call me Anika or better bhabhi – apna lagegi... Anika beamed. "To think again, I put a lot on the line to meet you. If Shivaay comes to know of this stunt of mine, he will have Khanna's head" she grinned. "Om will not disclose it to him . Will you Om?", she smiled sweetly at Omkara who only rolled is eyes in response muttering 'ofcourse'.  "Ahh!!" she said once gain turning to Gauri "So, you better call me bhabhi to make me feel better. Wont you Gauri?"

"Yes Bhabhi" said Gauri making Anika smile wider if that is possible and Omkara looked at her with an intense look . Did he just blush?? wondered Gauri or was she imagining things. Yeah, the next thing she would imagine will be pigs with wings flying in the air with cupid arrows ready to strike her. Gauri, You better maintain your sanity at least till you get married. I'm sure no one would marry a person hallucinating things. Will Omkara marry her even then?? Urghhh why does her every thought begins and ends with him nowadays??

The rest of the evening, Gauri listened to Anika talking about her best friend, her husband and Rudra her brother in law, whom she was yet to meet. She occasionally glanced at Omkara who never let his eyes leave her. Oh God if he continues to stare at her like that, she will definitely end up marrying him and have his kids even before she fell in love with him. How the hell did she even think that she might have a future with Arjun when she has Omkara?? Okay!!! now you even started comparing Gauri? You are pathetic.

Later in the evening, Omkara dropped her at her house and Anika insisted on meeting Suman to get acquainted with her family. Suman loved Anika and showered her with all the love and gifts. Finally, Omkara decided to take Anika home lest his brother comes to know that Anika is out of the mansion in her state. Gauri was sure that if Anika stayed for a bit longer, she along with her mother would be discussing Omkara and her marriage dates embarrassing the hell out of her. After a promise to meet her soon after her delivery, Anika and Omkara bid them farewell for the day.

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