chapter one

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"Addison! Wake up! You're going to be late for work!" My mom screamed from the kitchen.
I rolled out of bed slowly, throwing a sweatshirt over my ratty hair. I looked in the mirror.
"geez." I muttered as I tried to brush my long brown hair. My dog, Ella, climbed up on my bed, and as much as I hated her being there, I couldn't find the nerve to make her get off. She was too cute. I stopped attempting to deal with my hair and threw it up in a messed bun. I sat back down on my bed with my dog, soon being joined by the cats, Tate and Evan.
"I just want to sleep." I muttered, curling into a ball.

"Addison LeAnne! Get up!" My mom yelled stomping into my room. "And get the dog off the bed."
I rolled my eyes and got up for the second time. I took my hair down and actually brushed it, and instead of trying to straighten it I just braided it. I grabbed my black pants and shirt from the closet and got dressed. I grabbed my phone to check the time.

"HOLY SHIT! ITS 8:30!" I screamed. I didn't even have time to put on much makeup. I just put on some foundation and mascara and ran out the door.
I arrived to work right on time. Breathing heavy since I practically ran into the building in order not to be late.

"I'm guessing someone overslept." My coworker and also best friend, Alex, laughed.

"Haha. So funny." I rolled my eyes. And put on my apron and name tag that was behind the counter.

"It's going to be busy today," Alex said. "Everyone Christmas shopping and stuff."

I nodded my head. Christmas wasn't really my favorite time of year. My mom and I spend it alone in her house. Everyone else is with their extended families and boyfriends and such, and I sit alone with my mom.

"Oh c'mon Addie! Maybe you'll meet someone!" Alex suggested, trying to get me excited.

"Meet someone in a month? Yeah, because that's totally likely." I laughed.

"Hey, a lot of cute boys come in this store."

"Buying stuff for their girlfriends, Alex." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I met Dylan here didn't I?"

"Alex. He had a girlfriend when you met him. Remember?"

"Yeah, but I changed his mind. Duh," she winked. "And you're totally hot. Any guy would leave his girlfriend for you"

"That was a good one, Alex." I laughed.

"Alright ladies, I'm opening up. Let's get to work." Jeremy, our boss, who was too gay to function, said as he unlocked the door and met us behind the counter.

4 and a half hours later, we had sold a total of 67 gift cards, 40 coffee drinks, 46 coffee cups, and 50 bags of coffee mix. So basically my shift had been successful. Alex and I were about to get off work and go out for food, when a tall, curly haired boy walked in. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a greenish jacket, black boots, and a beanie. Alex have me her "look". I rolled my eyes in response. He walked up to the counter and ordered some coffee. His voice was deep and raspy. I could barely focus on his order because his voice just killed me. His green eyes were so bright.
"That'll be 4.87" I said as I handed him his drink.

"Thank you." He said, smiling at me with an angelic smile before walking back out into the cold winter air.

As soon as he left, Alex and I clocked out and left.

"Oh my god he was smoking hot" Alex said, fake drooling.

"Alex. You have a boyfriend." I reminded her.

"It's like window shopping, Addie. I can look, just can't buy."

"You're insane." I laughed. We rode in my car to McDonald's. We ordered and sat down at a table with our food.

"He was also checking you out, by the way." Alex said, mouth full of a cheeseburger.

"No he wasn't. You need to stop." I said while eating my french fries.

"Addie, that's your problem! You're so pessimistic."

"Whatever, Alex."

We finished eating and I drove her back to her car, then I drove home.

"Addie, how was work?" My mom asked.

"It was fine. It was work." I said, walking down the hall to my room.

"Feed the dog. And the cats. Oh and you might want to walk the dog."

I walked into my room and changed into sweatpants. I fed the cats and then took the dog for a walk.

I walked down the sidewalk, my fat little dog walking along beside me. I saw a familiar looking figure walking towards me. It was the boy from the coffee shop.

"Hi." He said, nodding his head the way boys do.
"Um, hi." I said, getting the dog to stop.

"Cute dog," he said. "Can I pet her?"

"Yeah. Sure."
He leaned over and petted her. She wagged her tail, and he smiled. When he stood back up the dog began to run, pulling me along with it.

"I'll see you around!" I yelled, laughing while I got dragged away. He waved, laughing as well.

Smooth, Addison, Smooth.

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