chapter 4

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I woke up early to get ready for work. I tried a little bit harder than I usually did, hoping that Harry might come today. I texted Alex, making sure she was working today. After I finish getting ready, I fed Ella and the cats. I ate breakfast and grabbed my jacket.
"Today is going to be a good day." I though. Boy, I was way wrong. I went to grab my keys, and Ella started barking like crazy. I looked out my window and saw an awfully familiar old red pick up truck.

"Mom!" I screamed, running to her room before realizing she was at work. Alex was probably already on her way to work, and my mom worked far away. I had no one else to call except one person.

"Harry." I thought.
I called him in a panic. I hid in my moms room, the dog still barking.

"Addison? Are you alright?" He asked.

"No. Harry you need to come over." I cried.

"Addison. What's wrong? I'm coming." He yelled.

"Don't get out of the car until the truck leaves. He'll leave when he sees you." I spoke fast.

"What truck? Who? What's going on?" He asked, I heard his car starting in the background.

"I'll explain when you get here. Please hurry." I hung up the phone. If he found out I was hiding at home alone, which he would soon, I would be screwed. The dog kept barking. I thought about the last time I saw that damn truck.
"Dammit Addie." Kyle screamed, throwing an empty beer bottle at me.

"Kyle please. Stop." I yelled threw tears.

"You called the fucking cops? You stupid bitch." He slapped me.

"I-i didn't. I promise." I lied.

"Bullshit!" He screamed, smacking me again.

I screamed, he hit me over and over. That's when I heard the sirens. Kyle ran out the back door and into his truck.

"Guess what addison?" He yelled. "You won't be with anyone else. I'll kill a bitch if I have too." He sped off.
It took me months to let anyone touch me after that. Almost two years had past since the incident. After months of therapy, I had learned to trust again and be touched. Harry holding my hand and kissing me even surprised me. I sat there waiting, then I heard Kyle's truck speed off. The noise made me flinch.

"Addison. Open the door." Harry yelled.
I got up slowly, still nervous. I unlocked the door and as soon as it opened, I collapsed into his arms. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. He sat down with me on his lap and rubbed his hand across my back.

"It's okay. Breathe."

We sat like that for a while and I explained the situation.

"God, Addison. A girl like you doesn't deserve to go through shit like that. He's never going to hurt you again, I can promise you that."
I sobbed into his shoulder. He just hugged me and whispered words of encouragement, and promising to keep me safe. I didn't understand why he wasn't worried about Kyle's threat to kill any guy, but in the moment, I didn't feel like worrying about anything. I felt completely safe for the first time in forever. I heard my phone vibrating from my mom's room and Harry went to get it.

"It's Alex." He said. I told him to answer and explain, I wasn't in the mood for talking. After he hung up, he called my mom for me. She had to stay at work over night for a project.

"Great. I'm stuck here alone." I sighed from the couch.

"I'll stay with you." Harry said, sitting beside me. I smiled and lay my head on his lap, staring into his eyes.

"Thank you for everything." I smiled.

"I love you, Addison. And I know that it sounds totally cliché and everything but I honestly do. I've never felt this way about someone before."

"I love you, Harry." I said and sat up, kissing him on the cheek.

We spent the rest of the day doing fun things.
First, we made cookies. We had a flour war, and ate more chocolate chips than we put in the cookies. We made milkshakes, and Harry forgot to put the lid on the blender. I sat on the counter while he cleaned up the mess we made. I laughed watching him trying to clean the flour.

"Are you making fun of me?" He asked.

"Oh never." I smirked. He grabbed more flour and grabbed my face. I hopped down off the counter and grabbed the bag. I poured some flour in a cup, and onto his head.

"Flour war 2. Let's go." He yelled. We made such a huge mess, we forgot about the cookies. So, we ended up with burnt cookies and an insane mess. He continuously shook his head, flour falling out every time. I laughed harder and harder each time.

"Go take a shower." I instructed, handing him a towel. I cleaned up the mess while he showered. He walked out of the bathroom in his boxers.
"Harry Styles. Put some clothes on." I covered my eyes.

"I would if I had any." He pouted, standing behind me.
I walked to my moms room and looked through my dads old things. I found a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and threw it at him. He got dressed, and we sat down to watch tv. We binge watched tv shows on Netflix. At around 5, Harry offered to make dinner. Of course I let him, even though I had never met a guy who could cook. I stayed on the couch watching "Friends" while he made dinner. It smelled amazing. He finished about an hour later, calling me to the kitchen.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you." He smiled.

After we ate, we laid down on the couch for one last movie. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid my head on his chest. I heard his heart beating. We turned on "Love Actually". By the end of the movie I was almost asleep.

"Goodnight Addie." He kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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