chapter 6

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I woke up, sadly, still in the hospital. I wasn't sure how long it had been since the accident. I didn't know where Harry was, or if he was even alive. Honestly, I didn't want to know. I saw my mom outside talking to the doctors. A police officer stood by my mom, trying to calm her down. there was some weird tube in my throat which caused me to begin choking. I didn't know what to do. A young looking doctor came running in, calling nurses to help remove the tube from my throat. My mom was screaming, the doctors were running. I was calm, I just wanted to know about Harry.

A while later, after being poked and stabbed with about 100 needles, the doctors actually decided to tell me what was going on.
"The accident was bad. You guys were freezing to death, you also had severe head injuries and dislocated your knee, shoulder, and ruptured a lung.. You were in a coma for about 4 days. We're honestly surprised you woke up this soon."

"I don't care what happened to me," I said. "Where's Harry? Is he okay?"

"Harry. Um, he's okay. He's fine."

"He's fine?" I yelled. "Where the hell is he?"

"He left. 2 days ago. He was discharged, and he left."

"Oh." I mumbled, trying to hide the fact that I was about to burst into tears. He can't just leave me like that. I was dying and he just left me? My mom had left to go to the cafeteria, so it was just me and the doctor.

"My name is Dr. Payne." He said, sitting down in a chair beside my bed.

"What a terrible name for a doctor." I laughed, trying to hold back tears.

"You can call me Liam."

"You look way to young to be a doctor" I said, eyeing him.

"I'm an intern. It's my 1st year, I just got out of med school."

"how fancy." I smirked.

"If you need anything, call this number. It'll page me." He wrote the number on a piece of paper and sat it beside the hospital phone. "We'll only keep you here a few more days to make sure you're okay. But you'll be out of her in no time."

"Thank you." I smiled as he walked out.

I heard loud footsteps running threw the hallway.

"WHERE IS ADDISON. ADDISON MCARRON?" I heard a familiar voice shouting.
She burst into the room and tears ran down her face.

"Dammit Addie. Don't scare me like that." She hugged me.

"Alex. It's okay, calm down." I laughed.

"I've been in this hospital for like a week. Jesus. I thought you were going to die. Leave me in this shithole of a town alone."

"I could never."

"That one doctor, Dr. payne, damn he's hot. He thinks you're hot, too. Even when you're all cut up and dying."

I laughed at her. "What are you talking about."

"I hear him talking. Some nights, he'd come in here and talk to you. Trying to tell you to wake up, that you could make it. All that encouraging shit. And I heard him tell one of the other interns."

"He is pretty hot. And I'm totally available."

"Addie.. I'm sorry. I tried to get him to stay I really did. He just ignored me. But in better news, you helped shut down a drug ring."

"I what?"

"The truck that you hit, well, hit you, was full of drugs. You shut down a drug smuggling ring."

"Huh, wonder if they knew my dad."

My dad was a ridiculous drug addict. He died of a drug overdose when I was in 8th grade.

"They probably sold to him." Alex added, and we both laughed hysterically. "I also have your phone. I got you a new screen, yours shattered in the accident."

"I have the best damn friend in the world." I said, smiling.

"Hell yeah you do." She smiled back.

Harry's point of view, 2 days earlier.
They handed me the discharge papers and I signed them. I didn't want to know how Addison was. I didn't want to know if she was dead. If she was, it was all my fault. I tried to walk out of the hospital without Alex or Addisons mom seeing me. As I was walking, I heard doctors yelling and running. "She's crashing!" "Code blue." I was curious, so I did what anyone else would do, followed the doctors. That's when I saw Addie laying there, the doctors trying to restart her heart. It made me think of my mom, who was in the hospital almost my entire life. She was very sick, and I hated hospitals ever since. That's what my mom looked like when she died, tubes in her throat, attached to so many devices and IVs. I couldn't stay. I heard Alex screaming behind me.

"Is she okay? Is she okay? What the fuck did you guys do to her? You shit doctors. What's wrong with her?" She ran beside me.

"Harry. You're okay! She had a lot of-" I stopped listening to her and walked out of the hospital. She chased me through the parking lot, and I just ignored her. I couldn't lose someone else this way. One is enough for me. I had to leave. There was no other choice.

I left the hospital and called my friend Louis, asking if I could stay at his place for a while. I wasn't feeling up for the whole staying home alone thing. Since he lived with Zayn and Niall, I knew we'd have a good time.

I walked into his house and sat on the couch, beside Niall. Zayn and Louis were in the kitchen, probably smoking. Weed, not cigarettes.

"You need to loosen up harry, it's okay man." Zayn said.

"Cmon. Come take a hit." Louis said, handing me a joint.

"What else could go wrong?" I thought to myself. " I've lost everything I ever gave a shit about."

"Fuck it." I said out loud. And that's when I got high for the first, and not last, time.

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