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Sorry it's short and it sucks lmao

The next morning, my mom texted me saying she had to stay at work longer than expected and was staying at a coworkers house. I sat up and saw Harry in the kitchen making breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a glass of orange juice. I sat on the counter and watched Harry make pancakes. We ate, then sat on the couch watching tv. I went to take a shower, grabbing a pair of leggings and a t-shirt out of my room. I showered fast, throwing on clothes and grabbing a hair tie. I walked back into my room to get socks, and I looked out the window. It was a pretty day, no snow, sun shining.

"Let's go driving." Harry said, popping his head into my room.

"Where would we go?" I asked.

"Anywhere. Let's go." He grabbed my arm as I grabbed my jacket. I threw in some shoes and ran out the door into his car. He started it and turned on the radio. we sang along to every song, driving down the road. We had no idea where we were going, or what we were going to do when we got there, but the experience was fun enough. After driving for about half an hour, it began to snow.

"I love snow." Harry said, turning down the radio.

"Me too." I smiled, looking at him. I realized he wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

"Harry, put on a seatbelt." I exclaimed.

"It's fine. There's no other cars driving this early."

"Harry. Put on a damn seatbelt."

"Addison. It's okay." He looked at me.

"HARRY! SEATBELT!" I screamed, but it was too late. The tractor trailer in the next lane swerved and hit us. We spun around, hitting a tree. The windshield shattered, glass falling into both of our faces. I felt blood running down my face. I tried to turn and face harry, but I couldn't see anything past the airbags.

"H-h-harry." I tried to speak. I wasn't sure if he could hear me or not. I didn't even know if the words were even coming out of my mouth. I heard Harry making noise on his side. I heard sirens. I tried to yell for help, still not sure if I was even making any noise.

The EMTs tried to talk to us while the firefighters attempted to get us out of the car. I was lifted out of the car and onto a stretcher. The put me in and ambulance, and I tried my hardest to see where Harry was. If he was okay. The EMTs stabbed me with needles and yelled at each other. We finally made it to the hospital, and they carried me into a room. I always hated hospitals. I looked up at the florescent lights and listened to them yelling. I closed my eyes, somewhat hoping that I would never have to open them again.

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