Unfolding Of Secrets

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Nandini just froze to her place on reading this and continued shouting until when everyone came running to her.
Nandini, what happened why are you shouting and why are you crying? What is wrong? Her husband asked. She pointed her fingers in the direction of the wall where it was written but to her surprise the wall was empty and plain like before, nothing was written there as if everything just vanished.
What Nandini, what are you pointing at? Said Pralat (her husband) while haggling her. Nandini continued crying and was struggling with her words, she wanted to tell everyone what she saw but she thought its better if she stays quiet. So she said, there was a rat at corner and I got scared that’s why I started shouting.
This made Pralat furious and he slapped her infront of everyone.
Next time if you do something this stupid, you would experience a lot more consequence than this. And saying this he moved out of the hall. Her mother in law gave a wicked smile to her and said, if you don’t want to get beaten on the first day its better you start with the kitchen. Nandini somehow wiped her tears and moved towards the kitchen.

She was barely able to work in the kitchen, all those flashes were coming back to her. She was so scared here, she thought she was all alone. There was no one in the entire palace to whom she can tell all this which was happening to her. She weeped and weeped when she felt someone holding her from waist, it was more like a touch of cold hands and while she could process this she again felt a cold breath at her ear which whispered calmly “you made me wait for quite a long time rajkumari”. This voice was terrifying for nandini, she started struggling with her breath, she looked everywhere there was no one in the kitchen. Everything was too much for her, she never felt so helpless in her entire life. She started loosing it, but she composed herself like she was supposed to as a new bride. She looked everywhere again but this time with more patience but yet there was no one. She thought that she might be hallucinating and it would be best if she moves on.
She did the table for breakfast decorated the vase with fresh flowers from the garden, lit incense sticks on the centre of the table to set the vibe and this was her first day at kitchen so she tried to make everyone’s favourite dishes and called everyone for breakfast.
Bindiya was the fist person to join the table along with her husband, who was more interested in living at her wife’s place as he was getting all the luxury in the palace without any efforts. Nandini’s mother in law and pralat also came for breakfast and Nandini serves everyone breakfast but when she was about to sit, her mother in law said “what do you think you are doing, you are not supposed to eat until everyone else is done. Didn’t your mother teach you any good manners”. Nandini didn’t say a word and remained there standing until everyone left, she sat there for breakfast. She didn’t know anymore what to think and what to not. She didn’t also know what is real and what is not

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