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Nayantara and Rakshit panicked but nayantara knew one thing for sure that she wasn’t gonna risk Rakshit into all this and also she trusted him more than she did on anyone ever.
She wanted him out of there even if she risks her own chances therefore she told him the path which would lead him straight to thee outer boundaries of palace with almost no guards and he can escape from there.
Rakshit wanted nayantara to join him but she refused as someone needed to be there to play as obstacle to the soldiers. But while parting each other, Rakshit promised her that he would come soon to take her queen back with him and will also gift her this kingdom that she has always deserved.
Rakshit escaped towards that path leaving nayantara alone, at that particular moment there was an instinct which forced nandini to go after Rakshit, she thought that she is always gonna find nayantara at the palace but for that particular moment she wanted to make sure that Rakshit is fine.
Nandini followed Rakshit and after running for a while inside the tunnel Rakshit stopped for a moment of air. He had a deep sigh and started panting. Nandini moved a bit closer to have a proper look of Rakshit’s face and what was so special about him that nayantara is willing to risk everything. Nandini was staring him and indeed he had a beautiful face with a charm she has never seen before.
Nandini was lost in her thoughts and was busy scanning Rakshit’s face when she heard a sound of approaching footsteps, she panicked again thinking that those soldiers have found Rakshit but she as she turned her face she saw two men approaching them with a smile.
One of them said, “my king, I already told you going inside the palace was a bad idea, I know something happened there otherwise you wouldn’t be escaping through this tunnel”.
Rakshit chuckled and said “I know you warned me but you know how important it was for me to analyse the situation inside the palace and the only way to do that was to go inside the palace”.
The other man which looked more like the king’s advisor said, “And one of your intention was to also meet the princess! Am I right?”
Rakshit very carelessly said, “yes that also”. It was such an undertone used to address about someone to whom you were claiming the entire love in the universe literally moments ago.
Nandini found it slight offensive and also that made her worried about nayantara, she wanted to see her but then she really wanted to know what was Rakshit upto, thus she stayed.
Rakshit and his other men moved towards their camps which was somewhere outside nayantara’s territory, a place which looked a bit deserted.
There was a lot of chaos at their tents, there were soldiers everywhere, playing different games for leisure.
Suddenly everyone left whatever they were doing and immediately stood up to bow down for Rakshit as soon as they saw him approaching towards them. All of them shouted unanimously “ All hails to the king”.
Rakshit smiled and very humbly said “I’m a king because of you people, because you all believe in me and in my decisions and I want you all to believe me one more time and I will not fail you people and if all goes well then we would be unstoppable”.
Everyone cheered and shouted, “at your order our king”.
Rakshit smiled and then that smile turned unto a grin, an evil grin.
Rakshit then passed an order which came as a shock to nandini.
Rakshit said “ prepare yourself well enough because in a span of two days we are going to attack at nayantara’s kingdom and remember we will show no mercy to the court or to the king and queen and even no mercy towards the prince, I don’t want any successor left”.
One of the advisor of Rakshit asked very bluntly, “what are we supposed to do with princess nayantara, we know that you love her”.
On hearing this Rakshit almost smirked and said, “yeah love, obviously I’m in love, I’m in love with her kingdom, I love her throne which makes her princess of one of the most influential state, so yeah if you want to count that as love then you can but apart from that it wouldn’t be big of a deal if there would have been someone else as the princess, that would have made absolutely no difference to me”.
His soldiers laughed and nandini felt so much rage on hearing this, she wanted to make him pay for it, she wanted to run towards nayantara and tell her everything but only if that was an option.
“ So then what are we supposed to do with her”, one of the soldiers asked.
Rakshit snapped and immediately said, “ Obviously you have to save her and bring her to me in a manner that she would be grateful to me for her entire life that I saved her from that hell. If I get a beautiful princess along with a huge kingdom, then I’m at no loss. I’ll get everything a beautiful queen and a powerful kingdom and apart from that I need nayantara’s support to win the trust of people over here once I will get there kingdom”.

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