I really believed if I tried hard enough, anything was possible. And it was, it really was.
But; what they don't tell you, is you can try your very best- you can try really hard & it really does work out in the end. For awhile, at least.
the thing is though; if the other person doesn't try at all, then it doesn't work. A see-saw needs two people to move. It's not your problem if the other person gets off. It's never your problem. The other person will have to find their place in the playground.
Although when I was younger it always seemed like I was always making sure that the other person on the see-saw was going up, until they got off and let me down. I'd crashed down after they'd leave, but I'd always get back up on my two feet.
It was then I knew from early on, I was the only one who was ever gonna put effort into things with other people and I was always the last to walk away. When I'd finally walk away, I wouldn't look back.