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You wanted to do something nice for the guys. They were always there for you whenever you needed them. You never asked them for anything, but they always showed up or reached out in some way. Even when you lived in another country, they knew when something was off. They called it their "Bangtan Powers." You, on the other hand, called it "spooky."

You'd been back in Korea for a few months now, and since you had finally gotten your stuff situated, you decided now was a great time. You planned it all out. The guys would be at the company until late this evening, so you decided to clean the dorm and make them a home-cooked meal.

You'd been at their dorm for a few hours now. With music blasting from your phone, you managed to clean the front room and bathrooms. You were currently working on getting the kitchen cleaned so that you could start cooking and baking. As you were in the middle of doing the dishes and singing your heart out you heard someone laughing behind you.

"Jesus Hobi, you scared the shit out of me!" You picked up the towel next to you and threw it at him, who was laughing hysterically. "How long have you been home, and why didn't you say anything?" You asked as you grabbed a new towel and dried your hands.

"We tried calling you." He replied once he calmed himself down from laughing. "When we got a break, one of the managers said that you had come over a few hours ago. So we tried calling you and texting you. But when you didn't answer, I came to make sure that you were okay."

You reached over to pick up your phone from the other side of the counter. "Oh crap, I forgot to turn my ringer back on." You said as you looked at all the missed calls and texts. "I turned it off at work, and I was in such a hurry to get over here and get things done that I guess I forgot." You turned the volume back on and sat the phone back on the counter.

"Oh, and to answer your other question. I came in about the time you started dancing," he said as he tried to stop himself from laughing again. "Got a good video of it too. I sent it along with a text to the guys letting them know that you are okay." He turned his phone around so that you could see the group chat.

"You guys are such jerks sometimes." You laughed turning back around.

"So, are you going to tell me why you're cleaning our dorm?" Hobi asked.

"Nope. It's supposed to be a surprise." You quipped getting back to the dishes. "Shouldn't you be getting back to the studio?"

"I probably should, but I've got an hour before the break is over, so I figured I'd keep you company," Hobi said as he pulled a bar stool out to sit on. You reached over to turn your music back on.

"So, how was your date the other night?"

"The same as the others have gone. A great date with the wrong guy. I'm starting to think I'm meant to be single." You said with a frown.

"Oh, come on, you know that's not true. You just haven't met the right guy yet." Hobi tried to make you feel better.

"You have been telling me the same thing since we were teenagers. You would think by now I would have found someone." You shook your head and let out a small laugh.

"Well, I know of someone." You heard Hobi say as he got up from the barstool.

"Oh really? Who would that be?" You asked as Hobi turned you around to look at him.

"I know I may not be your first choice, but I can be." He said, placing a kiss on your lips.

Shock, that's what you felt at first. Then the shock wore off and you felt something you hadn't felt from a kiss in a long time. You kissed him back. Something about his lips touching yours sent fire throughout your whole body. Your body wanted him, needed him. You weren't going to lie. You had thought of him before. Imagined what his body would feel like. You've watched him dance and thought about how that would translate in between the sheets. Hobi was a beautiful person both inside and out. But you had stopped yourself from getting feelings for him. Because you never thought he'd have feelings for you.

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