Chapter 1 // Bam

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The 25th Bam, just a regular teen. His life wasn't that special.

The brunette never stood out and only had a couple of friends. Well, to be honest, the teen had only one friend; a blonde girl with freckles who goes by the name Rachel. The two of them have been friends ever since they were 12. Rachel was very different from Bam though. Unlike him, she did extremely well in school, people liked her, she had a lot more friends and she got invited to many parties. To this day Bam asked himself why the blonde girl still hung out with him.

Today was a Thursday, which meant the weekend was nearing but not quite there yet. After school, Bam went home; or well, the place that was closest to being called home. You see, Bam didn't know anything about his real parents and has lived in foster care as long as he could remember. The teen had to drag himself through a lot of different foster families and foster homes. Overall Bam was pretty lucky with the families who took him in. He never had any weird experiences which you would hear about on the news, but the families he stayed in never seemed to last. They either told the brunette that he had been an amazing addition to the family, but they couldn't financially handle it anymore, or they told him something about their real children not being comfortable with another sibling. Honestly, Bam had heard every excuse along those lines.

After some pretty traumatic separations at a young age, Bam learned that he shouldn't hold any expectations about the places he was supposed to call home as well as the lesson that he shouldn't get too comfortable or get too attached.

That being said, Bam was relatively lucky that he had always been able to live in the same area and go to the same school as his peers, this also being the reason he could still call Rachel a friend.

Bam's favorite place to hang out at, was a local cafe, which also conveniently was a bookstore. The first time he went there was with one of his previous families, his parents knew the owners. The teen knew that he loved this place the moment he stepped in. The atmosphere, once he entered the store, was peaceful and quiet, unlike the busy streets on the outside. Overall the store carried the smell of old people, but Bam didn't mind. In fact, it even made him feel at rest. Eventually, when the foster family dropped him, the brunette still kept returning.

The cafe was owned by an elderly couple, they didn't have a lot of customers, so they noticed Bam coming in just about daily to read and have a cup of tea after school. Over time they started talking to him and it took Bam a while to open up, but as he went back every day, he slowly started to feel more at ease with the cafe owners. It had been a few years now and honestly, these two people were the closest thing to family Bam had in his life. When Bam turned 16, they even offered him a job at the cafe, so now the teen regularly worked there as a barista. That's exactly where he was heading off to right after dropping his school bag at his house.

"I'm home!" The brunette yelled into the house as he entered, but he was left with no response. Frankly, he didn't expect one. His caretakers always seemed to work until late during weekdays, but Bam enjoyed spending time with them on the weekends.

While taking his shoes off, Bam was met with the sight of a lot of mail on the doormat and he being the good son he is, decided to pick it up and put it on the kitchen counter for his housemates to open. Usually, the brunette didn't even bother scanning the mail as he knew there wouldn't be anything in there that concerned him, but today, there was a letter that caught his attention. It looked very old-fashion and was even sealed with a wax stamp.

The teen let his curiosity get the best of him and snatched the envelope from the pile. To his surprise, his name was written there. Bam felt a wave of excitement flow through his body, how long had it been since he received a letter? Years? He could probably count the number of letters he had received throughout his life on one hand, but he was certain; this letter was meant for him.

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