Echo and Specter character data

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Name: Echo

Family: Unidentified parents,
Unidentified wife, Specter (Son)

Age: 18 (MK9) 43 (MKX)

Race: Human

Marital status: Widower

Power: Vision pulse and echolocation. Can communicate telepathically but not for very long, as it can damage his mind

Loyalty: Lin Kuei

Armor: Black and silver Lin Kuei armor

Blood color: Silver

Alignment: Lawful good

Personality: Fearless, analytical, charismatic, calculating, somewhat brutal, ambitious,
open minded

Skills: Armed and unarmed combat, tracking, stealth, blade smith

Weapons: Dagger, bladed staff, smoke bombs, sword, nunchucks, throwing stars

Enemies: Quan Chi, Shinnok, Reptile, Kano, D'vorah, Erron Black, Ermac, Black dragon, Red dragon, Cyber Lin Kuei


Name: Specter

Family: Unidentified mother,
Unidentified grandparents. Echo (Father)

Age: 22

Race: Human

Marital status: Dating Cassie Cage

Power: Teleportation and phase

Loyalty: Lin Kuei (Formerly)
Special forces (Currently)

Armor: Lightweight special forces infiltrator armor, with an equipment belt

Blood color: Purple

Alignment: Chaotic good

Personality: Creative, charismatic, loyal,
slightly overconfident, compassionate,
team player, acts tough but cares deeply about his friends and family

Skills: Armed and unarmed combat, hacking, stealth and disguise, expert marksman

Weapons: Knife, custom pistol, frag grenades,
flash-bangs, custom hybrid rifle, tactical visor,
taser, tranquilizer, smoke grenades, arm blade,
breach charges, retractable shield

Enemies: Quan Chi, Shinnok, Reptile, D'vorah, Kano, cyber lin kuei, black dragon, red dragon

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