... Four ...

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very quick author's note !
Thank you all sososo much. I have 24 reads, which is kind of a big deal for me! Also, I'm super sorry about this wonky timeline. It's nothing really specific. It's just kinda whatever I felt like adding, yknow? This chapter is a bit longer, so enjoy!


"Really, Stephanie?" Tony didn't sound annoyed over the phone, just slightly tired. 4 pm, and the engineer was already feeling set for bed. His get-together would start in an hour, though, and he couldn't cancel on his friends. Peter was out on a snack run with Wade, neither of them in their suits. They walked hand-in-hand, feeling out whether or not this would work out. So far, everything was going great.

"Yes, really! You didn't exactly give me details. Just tell me what to wear, Stark." Stephen, exasperated, looked over the clothes he had sprawled out onto his bed.

"You could literally show up in sweatpants. No one would care-"

"Stephen Vincent Strange does not 'show up in sweatpants.'" He nearly spat, although it was purely in jest. He'd shown up to their date in sweats, and hadn't even thought twice about it.

Wait, no. It wasn't a date. What a weird thought that'd crossed Stephen's mind.

The sorcerer rubbed his beard in thought. "Y'know what? Maybe I'll make an exception. As long as you promise that I won't be the only one."

Tony chuckled on the other end of the line. "Fine. I'll wear sweats too. Happy, Princess?"



Peter's hand felt meant to be in Wade's. They perfectly contrasted. Parker's palms were soft and smooth, while Wilson's were decorated in scars and calluses. Usually, Wade would feel uncomfortable in his skin. However, being with Peter made him feel like the most important person in the world. They'd discussed what they would do in the face of knowing their soulmate, and had decided to take things slowly. Much to the mercenary's dismay, might I add.

"We need Doritos." Peter suddenly announced, stopping in the middle of the Walmart chip aisle .

"What kind?" Wade asked, not phased by the other's behavior.

But Peter seemed offended. He immediately let go of his soulmate's red, black, and grey hand. "It's like you don't even know me." He glared at his companion, venom in his tone. A few moments passed between them before they both burst into laughter. Wade snaked an arm around Peter's waist and, hearing no protest, kept it there. They grabbed a bag of Doritos and continued along on their way.


5 o'clock rolled around much too soon, and Stephen was by no means the first to arrive at Stark's 'party'. In fact, he might've been the last to get there. The living room was full of people who were all dressed like they were at a sleepover. Everyone seemed to know each other, leaving Stephen to feel painfully out of place.

He was immediately greeted by two familiar faces. The first, big and blonde, scooped him into an Asgardian bear-hug. He beamed at the sorcerer, "No one told me that you would be present, friend Wizard!" before setting Stephen down again, who also smiled. Before he could respond, however, he was cut off by the other familiar man.

"I didn't know Stark hired a magician." Loki teased, a genuine smile playing on his features.

Strange, always one to banter, fired back. "Neither did I. Glad to see that you've found a career here in Midgard." This retort caused Loki to laugh, shaking his head playfully. The two shared a short hug, patting each other on the back like old friends do. Thor squeezed Stephen's shoulder before walking off to mingle with the rest of the room of legitimate super heroes.

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