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This is not an update !
This is a little bit of background info.
The topics that will be included in this chapter are as follows:

First order of business - here are rough sketches of Tony and Stephen's soulmarks:

My colored pencils are a bit cheap, and I could only see out of one eye while coloring, so Steph's is very messy, but you get the general idea

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My colored pencils are a bit cheap, and I could only see out of one eye while coloring, so Steph's is very messy, but you get the general idea.

Secondly, Stucky:

How many hours had it been? One? Seven? Steve had lost count. All that he could comprehend was the mass of people crowding him, and the harsh blows to his body. He endured each attack, having already succumbed to his adrenaline rush. Every time someone knocked him down, he stood back up, thin arms in a defensive position.
There was one instant, however, when Rogers couldn't find the strength to stand. His leg must've been broken. He heard shouting, followed by a scuffle and stamping of shoes on pavement. The next thing he knew was a hand reaching towards him. Having just taken quite the beating, Steve flinched away from the gesture. He squinted upwards to see who had saved him, but the sun blocked out the stranger's face.
"C'mon, punk. I'm helpin' you."
Gritting his teeth, Rogers grabbed the stranger's wrist, who hoisted him upwards. They did not let go of each other's wrists, however, as a sudden tingle overtook their entire forearms. They both looked down at the fireworks show of colors on their skin, the back at each other.
"I'm Steve Rogers, and you?"

Thirdly, Thorbruce:

Tony Stark, the brilliant third wheel, had unknowingly brought together a scientist and a god. Well, he'd been known to take the credit for their relationship. In reality, it was probably Loki, who stirred the pot just enough to force the Avengers to form, who could claim the title of 'matchmaker.'
Dr Banner and Thor were both romantics in their own sense. They both spent hours daydreaming, sometimes lying and passing it off as simply 'thinking.'
It was after some heavy thinking that Thor let out a great yawn. He stretched his arms above his head, and upon bringing them back down, felt his elbow hit something.
That something hissed in pain, causing the god of thunder to turn and inspect. He'd elbowed Bruce directly in the eye.
When the scientist removed his hands from the injured area, Thor knew he'd found his soulmate.

F o u r t h l y , things I've done/am thinking about doing:
- I have a completed Stucky fic published. It's called Ashes, Ashes and it's set in highschool, senior year. I worked super hard on it, and it would be super if you guys would go check it out
- In the same vein, I'm thinking about writing a highschool Ironstrange fic. It would, most likely, be set in the same universe as Ashes, Ashes, but it would take place more so in the earlier years of high school. Maybe it would even have a happy ending. If that's something you'd like to read, let me know
- maybe, possibly, a one-shot book. I find that, when faced with writer's block, I benefit from having a prompt in front of me. This book would be fueled by requests, mostly. I'm not sure if it's something I really wanna commit to, so updates wouldn't be very consistent.

Once again, thank you all so much for your continued support! Hiraeth isn't finished yet, so hold onto your knickers! I'll have a real update out soon!

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