... Nine ...

596 26 18

Lads, lasses, and non-gender-conforming classes, we have a mild smut warning
side-note: Stephen is a top, Tony is a switch. Change my mind


Gasping, Tony raked his nails along Strange's back. His heels dug deep into the sorcerer's hips as he rocked back and forth with each thrust.

The man above him was dominant, abrasive, and all-together different than he had been during any other encounter. It was like a beast had been unleashed within him, and he pounced on Stark without a second thought. The engineer wasn't complaining. Tears formed in his eyes as he buried his head in the crook of his lover's neck, smiling wickedly. A tight knot formed at the pit of his stomach, Stephen groaning in his ear. The tension was so great, so thick that it threatened to burst and spill over. Tony was so close, so, so close.

But then he woke up.

Nearly screaming in shock, Stark sat up too fast. He withdrew his hand from his boxers, which he hadn't even realized was there. He whispered, "What the hell," to himself before taking a look around. He'd fallen asleep in his workshop, and had a very odd dream. That was all. It had been weeks since he'd even spoken to Stephen, so why did he make such a guest star appearance in his wet dream?

After thinking it through, Tony realized that he actually kinda missed Strange. His witty comebacks and alluring gaze left quite an imprint on the billionaire. It had been a while since he'd been out... maybe this was his chance for some fresh air.

Pepper had left Stark to pursue a relationship with her soulmate. That was her choice, and he respected it. However, it did put a little damper on Tony's lifelong plans. They remained friends, of course. Not even a mass genocide could seperate those two.

Should he call Stephen? No, that would be weird. Ignoring his existence for the rest of forever sounded like a much more viable option. That way, Stark got to keep his dignity. But... he still wanted to see Stephen. No matter how he looked at it, the outcome was always the same. He'd have to call him.

"Fri," he began, unsure of himself. Could he be in the sorcerer's presence without falling apart in an embarrassed wreck? Would Strange be offended that Stark suddenly wanted to talk to him after weeks of no interaction? He thought of an excuse to want to speak with his friend. "Call Stephen."

Half a millisecond later, Tony's call was answered. A high-pitched voice spoke, which was probably the last thing that Stark was expecting.

"Mr. Stark! You're awake!"

Tony realized that the voice belonged to Peter. But how? Parker was staying at the tower, and he didn't know where Stephen lived.

He rubbed his eyes, trying to make sense of the situation. "Uh, yeah. Where are you?"

"The kitchen? It's 9am. I invited Doctor Stephen and Wade over for breakfast."

"Pete, you can't just invite people to my house." Tony dragged his hand over his face, looking around for his shirt. He must've gotten hot in his sleep and taken it off, but he couldn't find it anywhere. At least he was wearing pants.

"You said 'mi casa es tu casa'." Peter replied. "Besides, you're invited too. I made pancakes. They're medium rare."

Stark chuckled to himself, making his way into the kitchen. He instructed FRIDAY to hang up on Peter, since they'd be in the same room shortly.

When Stephen had gotten the news from Parker that he was invited to breakfast, he'd been more than a little confused. In fear of sounding rude, however, he didn't ask for an explanation. Never in a million years would he have guessed that Spiderman and Deadpool were matchmaking Iron Man and Doctor Strange.

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