... Fifteen ...

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Here's a big boy chapter... it's the last one! Well, probably. It's been a wild ride, I gotta say!
I do have a fic that I'm currently working on. It's called 'The Second Hottest Guy in School' and it's a high school Ironstrange au from Stephen's pov. I think it's pretty decent.
Once again, thank you all so much for your unending support. You're the reason I write <3
(A little tip: Italics are a glimpse into the past during this chapter)


Breathing heavily, sweat beading on his forehead, Wade felt like he was about to puke. His hands shook uncontrollably as he smoothed his suit, looking over a crowd of impatient guests. He cleared his throat, casting a glance at one of his many notecards before grinning nervously and beginning, "Mawwage. Mawwage is what bwings us together today."


"I swear, if you do the Princess Bride thing at my wedding, Wilson, I'll disown you." Tony, three months prior, straightened his tie while grimacing at himself in the mirror.

Peter placed a hand on Stark's shoulder, sighing, "You're getting cocky, dad."

Yes, dad. It was official, Tony Stark was Peter Parker's legal caretaker. Aunt May didn't mind. The new arrangement gave her lots of free time, and she was still able to see her nephew whenever she wanted. Of course, this didn't happen until the teen found himself already comfortable enough to call Tony 'dad' on his own terms.

"Yeah..." Wilson, who'd been lounging on the sofa, turned his head towards the adult in the room. "Technically, you didn't propose."

"Stephen did... Kinda." Stark tugged on his shirt collar. Was that a proposal? Maybe it was just a joke.

Hands in his pockets, Parker crossed the room to sit with his soulmate. "He's cryptic. You're gonna have to make sure." He lowered his voice and slumped his shoulders before adding, "I still think this is too sudden."

Wade shook his head at Peter. "It's amoré, Petey. You're just being protective." Before Parker could protest, Wilson held up a finger and asked Tony, "what makes you think I'll be giving the speech, anyway?"

"That wizard adores you, kid." Casting a warm smile towards Wade, Tony worked on fixing a few of his stray hairs. He found a grey, then plucked it. "I'd let the little orb weaver here do it, but spiders play dead when they're scared." Stark squinted, pointing a finger at an offended Parker.

Peter, defeated, threw his hands up. "Laugh it up, douchebags."


"Sorry, that was a bad joke..." Clearing his throat once again, Wade flipped to his next notecard. He stole a glance at Tony, who was glaring at him. Stephen, on the other hand, seemed to find it amusing. "First, I just wanna say congratulations to the happy couple. There's no one saying you have to end up with your soulmate, but sometimes, the universe knows what it's doing."


"Fri, more power to thrusters." Tony Stark may have been a disaster of a man, but he had the ability to be eerily calm in the face of danger.

Danger, as it so happens, has many faces. One of them is the Living Laser - an enemy made entirely of light. He could absorb any beam of energy, and create illusions of himself by reflecting off of different surfaces.

With almost no way to harm the Living Laser, Tony was forced to call for backup.

Magical boyfriend backup.

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