Chapter Six

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Waking up the next morning took about as much effort as studying for the MCAT. The night before, you slept so poorly, dreams full of unrest, seeing Kylo in the alleyway bleeding, or strangely, Finn and Kylo in a boxing ring. Sitting up, trying to smooth out your rat's nest hair, you wondered mindlessly if Kylo had ever met Finn. The boxing circuit in Philly can't be that big.

You went into the bathroom, squinting at the bright sunlight streaming in from the window.

"Too fucking early," You thought groggily.

Getting ready for work was almost as laborious as work itself, primping on this little sleep is rough. You eventually finished, throwing on a clean pair of lavender scrubs, twisting your hair into a bun, and went into the shared kitchen to grab some breakfast before you left to be on call in the ER.

"Morning sleepyhead," called your roommate, brown eyes peering up at you from his pan on the stove. He was always so almost so annoyingly perky in the morning, he was always up before you, even with your 5 AM shifts at the hospital. He tipped the pan up at you, offering some of his eggs, but you softly shook your head 'no', opting to just grab some coffee instead.

"So, you got home pretty late last night," he teased, the smile clearly evident in his voice.

Despite the blush that was burning your cheeks, you held strong, still facing him head on. "Yes, and?"

"What's his name?"

Playing dumb, "Who's name?"

Setting his heaping plate of eggs down on the table, Finn rolled his eyes, knowing what game you were playing. "Cut the shit, (Y/N), the guy you were on a date with last night."

Defensive, "It wasn't a date... not really." Your voice grew soft towards the end, feeling unsure about what all was going on between Kylo and yourself.

"Oh c'mon. Any guy would be a dumbass if he let you slip through his fingers."

"Thanks, Finny," you said, a small, sad smile on your lips. You set your mostly empty coffee mug in the sink, grabbing your purse, and slipping out of the door.

The walk to your car felt endless, your mind spinning through the possibilities of what could happen with you and Kylo. You didn't even know how you felt about him, he was your patient but even more than that, he has such a shady past and is in a boxing ring for star's sake. But, another part of your mind couldn't get his image out of your thoughts. His high cheekbones, his soft lips, the way his dark hair flops onto his face. When you found your car, you had to try and banish Kylo from your mind, failing miserably. You couldn't help but imagine Kylo's giant frame squeezing himself into your tiny car. You chuckled at the thought

The drive to Holdo was pleasantly uneventful, some random indie song blurring the background noise of the highway. Arriving at the hospital, you followed your normal routine, signing in, gathering your list of patients, and getting to work. The first few patients were simple, some abdominal pain, a broken bone or two, and one case of suspiciously misplaced produce.

Peeling off your gloves, leaving the examination room, you bumped head on into what felt like a solid wall of muscle. Looking up, you had to try and hide your surprise when you recognized the human wall in front of you- Cardo. His lip was swollen and his left eye was an angry scarlet, the beginnings of a bruise peaking through. He was being escorted by Simon to the neighboring room. He jutted his chin up slightly in greeting. You rushed over to Margot, looking through her paperwork on the counter, mumbling to yourself under your breath.

"Now Sweetheart, why are you going through my papers?" Her voice was kind and light, to signify she wasn't actually bothered, but she still clearly expected an answer from you.

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