Chapter Four

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You'd fallen asleep while Kylo was in the shower, succumbing to the weariness that plagued your body. You were on top of the duvet, curled up on yourself. When your bathroom door swung open, fog billowing into your bedroom, you opened your eyes. Kylo stood in front of  your bed, white towel low on his hips, black hair dripping water down his bare chest. He was muscular, his broad chest looked strong. You wanted to look away but you couldn't find the strength. Your gaze was glued to his torso.

"See anything you like?" Kylo teased, breaking the silence. His eyes raked over your form as if you were in the same state of dress, while in reality, you still had scrubs on your bottom half, thin jacket covering your chest.

Your mind was blank. "I. Uh. Ummm..." Your brain stuttered, looking for any kind of response that made sense. You settled on bugging him about getting his stitches wet. He just laughed.

"Got anything I can wear, or would you rather I just not wear anything?" He winked at you again. God I hate his stupid face..

"Uhm yeah sure..." You opened your drawers, pulling out a pair of black sweats and another worm t-shirt you'd stolen from Finn at one point or another.

"Thanks," He said, "Your boyfriend's?"

You guffawed. "Boyfriend? No . These are my roommate's. I don't have a boyfriend." You weren't sure, but you thought you saw something flash across his face. Relief, maybe. Thankfully, he went into the bathroom to change, walking out fully dressed for the first time you'd seen him that day. He was so much bigger than Finn that the sweats rode up like capris and the shirt strained under the stress of his muscles. You grabbed yourself a t-shirt and shorts, meekly meeting Kylo's eyes.

"Can you..." You wiggled your finger in a circle. He rolled his eyes, smirking as he turned around. You quickly slipped into your pyjamas.

"It's not like you should be embarrassed. I have seen you topless already," He called back, a smirk evident in my voice. Your whole body felt flush, your cheeks burning bright red.

"I'm decent."

He turned around, his eyes boring holes into your body. "Don't be ridiculous. You're utterly indecent, all the time." His voice was husky. Low.

You just smiled at the ground, feeling very exposed despite being fully clothed. You began to lay down to go to sleep until you remembered you hadn't discussed sleeping arrangements. Before you could think further, he nonchalantly climbed into the bed next to you.

Your body laid stiff as a board next to him initially, afraid to touch him. It wasn't until you heard his breathing slowed down, the softest of snores escaping his lips every so often, that your body relaxed finally, curling onto your side, away from him. You attempted to quiet your mind, trying to be okay with whatever the hell had happened that night.

When you woke up, you were splayed out on your bed. Alone. You Rubbed your eyes confused, the memories of the night before smacking you in the face. You checked your phone to see if he'd texted you where he was.

Nothing .

You got ready for your shift, already late and fuming. Grabbing a granola bar to eat on your way, you froze, reaching for your keys. Your car. Shit. Shit! SHIT !

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