2nd Letter

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Dear Arabella.. No too formal...Hey there Ara... That's an awful greeting...screw it..


I've thought about you a lot lately. I've thought about your bright smile, your dorky laugh, your big brown eyes, the way you always smelled like vanilla, your petite frame, your soft skin, your full lips, the sound of your beautiful voice—everything.

I talked about you in therapy today. I wasn't expecting to. It just kind of happened. I didn't tell Dr. Hastings shit about my feelings for you. That was only for us to know. He just had all these questions today. He wanted me to tell him simple things like what you looked like, what your personality was like, what impression you gave people—that kind of stuff.

It made me realize that I actually love talking about you. You were probably the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me...

By the tear that just escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek, I guess you could say I miss you.

And if missing you hurts this bad, then maybe I should stop writing to you.                                                                         
- Harry x

Letters to ArabellaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora