1. The first time

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"Lev, are you ready?" Piper asked timidly. Hunter was on his way back with the camera, and it was almost time for us to film. "Hmm?" I hummed in confusion, turning to face her.

"I asked if you're ready. You know... to film this part. I don't know about you, but I'm nervous!" She stuttered out, speaking fast as her nerves took over her. I gave her a soft smile, letting my hand intertwine with hers.

"Don't worry Piper, it'll be fine" I reassured her, leaning in to give her a quick peck on the cheek before Hunter finally returned. His camera was already turned on and it looked like he had caught the moment.

"Ohhh, is this some Liper content I see?" He asked from behind the camera. Piper looked away, blushing. "Editor, just sit down so we can film!" Piper ordered, although it seemed like she was just trying to change the conversation.

Hunter sat down in front of us, dropping the camera for a short second. "So you know what to say?" He whispered to Piper off-camera. She nodded, giving him a thumbs up to signal it was ok to film.

Hunter picked the camera back up and pointed it in our faces. "Alright, it's the moment the fans have all been waiting for - Lev and Piper are going to answer some questions for the Liper Q&A!" Hunter exclaimed enthusiastically.

That's right, today we were filming a Liper Q&A for Piper's channel. She'd been nervous all day to answer the fans' questions, and it almost made me feel bad that I felt absolutely nothing at all. Should I have been nervous too? Surely it doesn't mean anything... right?

"Question number one..." hunter began speaking, interrupting my thoughts and bringing me back into the present. "This is actually one of the most asked questions, but Lev, what was your impression of Piper the first time you ever saw her?" Hunter asked, focusing the camera on me.

I gulped nervously, thinking back to the day. Thankfully the memories started flooding back to me. "Oh, actually, the first day I ever met Piper we were filming a video for Sophie's channel. It was a fashion nova video and the girls had Jentzen, Sophie's ex crush and I judge who wore the outfit best out of the two of them."

I suddenly went silent, the smile falling from my face. Sophie's ex crush... those words ran through my mind over and over again, and I felt my jaw clench at the thought. It's always been hard for me to think of Sophie around any other guy. I feel like I'm too protective of her at times... or maybe I'm just afraid to admit I'm jealou-

"Uhh.... Lev?" Hunter asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I shook my head, only just realising I had gotten lost in my thoughts. "Oh right, sorry..." I mumbled shyly.

"As I was saying... the first time I ever saw her, I didn't have a single thought in my mind. It was like the world went blank and the only thing that existed was her. My eyes were stuck to her like glue and I couldn't help myself from wondering how someone so perfect could possibly exist" I admitted, my cheeks tinting red.

"I remember her laugh ringing in my ears and thinking... wow, I would give anything to be the cause of that laugh. I could hear it a thousand times over and never get bored of the sound."

"God, and her smile.." I laughed, looking down at my lap. "That smile... I wouldn't trade her for the world. I live to make her happy."

At was at this moment that I heard piper let out a small aww, and I felt her arm snake around my shoulders. My eyes widened in surprise. It only then occurred to me that I had completely forgotten Piper was there.

And then I realised... I wasn't talking about Piper. I was talking about Sophie.

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